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www.unilumin.com USTORM The brand new outdoor series 1. Completely sealed

ParameterStock Code:300232www.unilumin.com

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The brand new outdoor series
1. Completely sealed module design, All-weather

& UV-resistant Outdoor LED display, guaranteed reliability under the toughest operation conditions

reliability, excellent circuit design, no fans, lower power consumption
3.Easy to maintain, offering front and rear access for easy maintenance
4.Comprehensive production line, offer varieties of pitch choices for customers. Furthermore, the cabinet can be used for varied pixel pitch products.
5.Delicated image, wide horizon viewing angle at 140 degree to provide better viewing experience with optimal refresh rate (2000Hz), high grey level (14 bits) and high contrast ratio (2000:1)
6.Lightweight design with cabinet thickness of 100mm, weight of 31.25KG/SQM, these features help you save the cost of transportation as well as the cost of installation.

Stock Code:300232

www.unilumin.comUSTORMThe brand new outdoor series1. Completely sealed module design, All-weather & UV-resistant Outdoor LED display, guaranteed reliability under the

Слайд 2Parameter
Stock Code:300232

ParameterStock Code:300232www.unilumin.com

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