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America, the Beautiful


O beautiful for spacious skies,For amber waves of grain,

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1America, the Beautiful
Каргаполова Т.М.
Учитель английского языка, МБОУ СОШ№80, г. Хабаровск

America, the BeautifulКаргаполова Т.М.Учитель английского языка, МБОУ СОШ№80, г. Хабаровск

Слайд 2O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,

O beautiful for spacious skies,For amber waves of grain,

Слайд 3For purple mountain majesties
above the fruited plain.

For purple mountain majesties above the fruited plain.

Слайд 4America! America! God shed
his grace on thee,
And crown thy

good with
From sea to shining sea.

America! America! God shed his grace on thee,And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining

Слайд 6O beautiful for pilgrim feet
Whose stern impassion’d stress

O beautiful for pilgrim feetWhose stern impassion’d stress

Слайд 7A thoroughfare for freedom beat
A cross for wilderness.
America! America! God

mend thine ev’ ry flaw
Confirm the soul in selfcontrol,
Thy liberty

in law.

A thoroughfare for freedom beatA cross for wilderness.America! America! God mend thine ev’ ry flawConfirm the soul

Слайд 9O beautiful for heroes prov’d in liberating strife,
Who more than

self their country lov’ d
And mercy more than life.

O beautiful for heroes prov’d in liberating strife,Who more than self their country lov’ dAnd mercy more

Слайд 10America! America! May god thy gold refine
Till all success be

And ev ‘ ry gain divine.

America! America! May god thy gold refineTill all success be nobleness,And ev ‘ ry gain divine.

Слайд 11O beautiful for patriot dream,
That sees beyond the years,

alabaster cities gleam,
Undimmed by human tears.

O beautiful for patriot dream,That sees beyond the years, Thine alabaster cities gleam,Undimmed by human tears.

Слайд 12America! America! God shed

His grace on thee, and crown thy good with brotherhood. From sea to shining sea.
America! America! God shed

Слайд 13Ссылки на изображения:
1. https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-pdb/27625/f1bd66ca-8138-491a-b3c2-36409e8b998e/s1200?webp=false
4. https://image.shutterstock.com/image-vector/background-world-flag-icons-frame-260nw-155963855.jpg
5. https://million-wallpapers.ru/pejzazhi-343-android/ozero-michigan-160231.html
6. http://blogs.proquest.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/pilgrims.jp
7. https://pixmafia.com/uploads/posts/2017-11/1510836229_a_look_at_life_in_usa_20171116_001186_017.jpg
8. https://gdb.rferl.org/0BB40F32-6B0E-4B96-A55D-6184CF81979D_w1200_r1_s.jpg
9. https://businessman.ru/static/img/a/10700/180774/10356.jpg

11. https://uk.garynevillegasm.com/images/zakon/amerikanskij-flag-istoriya-simvolizm-i-tradicii-kak-poyavilsya-i-chto-oboznachaet-amerikanskij-flag_5.jpg

Ссылки на изображения:1. https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-pdb/27625/f1bd66ca-8138-491a-b3c2-36409e8b998e/s1200?webp=false2.https://img.fonwall.ru/o/fp/tehas-ssha-pole-zakat.jpg?route=mid&h=7503.https://cdn.fishki.net/upload/post/2017/12/01/2445298/04.jpg4. https://image.shutterstock.com/image-vector/background-world-flag-icons-frame-260nw-155963855.jpg5. https://million-wallpapers.ru/pejzazhi-343-android/ozero-michigan-160231.html6. http://blogs.proquest.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/pilgrims.jp7. https://pixmafia.com/uploads/posts/2017-11/1510836229_a_look_at_life_in_usa_20171116_001186_017.jpg8. https://gdb.rferl.org/0BB40F32-6B0E-4B96-A55D-6184CF81979D_w1200_r1_s.jpg9. https://businessman.ru/static/img/a/10700/180774/10356.jpg10. https://assets-us-01.kc-usercontent.com/4e9bdd7a-2db8-4c33-a13a-0c368ec2f108/0d1f7110-bc06-48aa-8e11-ad80b4e38eb0/american-gods---header-image@2x_t.jpg11. https://uk.garynevillegasm.com/images/zakon/amerikanskij-flag-istoriya-simvolizm-i-tradicii-kak-poyavilsya-i-chto-oboznachaet-amerikanskij-flag_5.jpg12.https://c.pxhere.com/photos/12/4c/fraternity_brotherhood_college_multicultural_solidarity_together_diversity_people-603614.jpg!d

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