Слайд 1КВН
по английскому языку
Подготовила: Михайленко А.С.
учитель иностранного языка
МКОУ «Подойниковская
сош имени Героя Советского Союза М.И. Рогачева»
Слайд 3What words are hidden?
1) 3. 8. 1. 9. 18.
19. 15. 6. 1.
Слайд 4Find the "wrong" word.
Coffee, tea, milk, skate, juice
Sport, cake, egg,
kitchen, dining room, hall, bathroom, carpet
table, shelf, arm-chair, skirt, sofa.
Слайд 6Fill in the prepositions.
1. There is a window * the
2. There are posters * the wall.
3. There is a
bed * the wall.
4. There is a picture * the bed.
5. There is a carpet * the floor.
Слайд 8Прочитай письмо, посмотри на рисунки и впиши недостающие слова.
Jill and Jim,
In January I'll go to Russia. It will
be and
in winter. I'll and play snowballs. I'll make a funny .
I'll in the park. I won't because I can't.
In the evening I'll tell my Russian friends New Year fairy tales. Would you like to go to Russia with me?
Write, please.
Your Tiny.
Слайд 10will, a, kite, fly, Jim.
play, won't, He, football.
will, hide-and-seek, dog,
play, her, Jill, with.
they, Will, badminton, play, park, the, in?
go, Where, they?
Слайд 11Jim will fly a kite.
He won't play football.
Jill will play
hide-and-seek with her dog.
Will they play badminton in the park?
will they go?
Слайд 14Guess the riddles:
I go at night and all the day,
I never go away.
It is not very big,
But it hangs
in the middle of the room.
In the day-time nobody wants it,
But at night everybody needs it.
This is a house
With one window in it
Showing films
Nearly every minute.
I have four legs
One, two, three, four,
But I cannot walk
Across the floor.