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My city Golitsino

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Students of the 7 th “B” form has been

prepearing this work during the lesson. 17.09.2013 year.
We use

the works of such students:
Kompusano Igor
Ledduhovskiy Evgeniy
Pleshakova Mariya
Belokon’ Alisa

Teacher Akimova G.M.
Students of the 7 th “B” form has been  prepearing this work during the lesson. 17.09.2013

Слайд 2My city Golitsyno

city Golitsino

My city Golitsyno       My city Golitsino

Слайд 3Dmitry Borisovich Golitsyn-founder of Golitsyn’s village.(1851-1920)

Dmitry Borisovich Golitsyn-founder of Golitsyn’s village.(1851-1920)

Слайд 4It is located in the Odintsov’s district in the Moscow

region, Russia

It is located in the Odintsov’s district in the Moscow region, Russia

Слайд 5Residential homes,
Rural homes,
Secondary School No. 2 are situated in our


Residential homes,Rural homes,Secondary School No. 2 are situated in our town.

Слайд 6Residential building which are built over 3 years

Residential building which are built over 3 years

Слайд 7 Home of rest in Golitsyno Center.

Home of rest in Golitsyno Center.

Слайд 8 Russian FSB Border Institute .

Russian FSB Border Institute .

Слайд 9Till 2013, in the town are built: a new stone

station, three-storeys school, the platform at the railway, roads and

pedestrian bridges along the avenue, Abyssinian wells, electricity illuminated avenues and a lot of houses.
Till 2013, in the town are built: a new stone station, three-storeys school, the platform at the

Слайд 10Cultural and Recreational Center «October»
Here you can watch movies!
See concert

with the whole family.
You can walk to a variety of

There are classes : dance, song,
art, play for children! There is the
Buffet here. You can try: cake, coffe, tea, lemonade, coke, ice cream, chocolate.
In front of the building you may see a playground!

Cultural and Recreational Center «October»Here you can watch movies!See concert with the whole family.You can walk to

Слайд 11The church of Serafima Sorovskogo has been building during ten

years and batushka Vadim meets our students with great pleasure.

The church of Serafima Sorovskogo has been building during ten years and batushka Vadim meets our students

Слайд 12Also there is Golitsyn’s railway station 40 km west of


Also there is Golitsyn’s railway station 40 km west of Moscow.

Слайд 13 Different kind of transport is used in our


Different kind  of transport is used in our town.

Слайд 14Public transport in our town.

Public transport in our town.

Слайд 15Railway from Moscow to Smolensk-Brest

Railway from Moscow to Smolensk-Brest

Слайд 16The new railway links Russia with Europe and brought tremendous

benefits the Russian state.

The new railway links Russia with Europe and brought tremendous benefits the Russian state.

Слайд 17“Humpbacked bridge“over the river Vyazemka.

“Humpbacked bridge“over the river Vyazemka.

Слайд 20The citizens of Golitsino can walk in this beautiful park.

The citizens of Golitsino can walk in this beautiful park.

Слайд 21City Golitsino-one of the famous historical cities of Russia. Welcome

to our city!

City Golitsino-one of the famous historical cities of Russia. Welcome to our city!

Слайд 22 Thanks you

for your attention.

Thanks you for your attention.

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