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Подготовка к 3-му заданию раздела "Лексика и грамматика ЕГЭ по английскому языку"

ИнструкцияТест представляет собой 3-е задание раздела Лексика и грамматика ЕГЭ по английскому языку и состоит из 7 заданий на множественный выбор. Нумерация заданий соответствует КИМ ЕГЭ (задания 32-38).Прочитайте текст с пропусками,

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Интерактивный тест

Предмет: английский язык
Класс: 11
Тема: подготовка к 3-му заданию

раздела Лексика и грамматика ЕГЭ по английскому языку

Интерактивный тестПредмет: английский язык Класс: 11Тема: подготовка к 3-му заданию раздела Лексика и грамматика ЕГЭ по английскому

Слайд 2Инструкция

Тест представляет собой 3-е задание раздела Лексика и грамматика ЕГЭ

по английскому языку и состоит из 7 заданий на множественный

выбор. Нумерация заданий соответствует КИМ ЕГЭ (задания 32-38).
Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32–38. На каждом слайде красным цветом выделен номер задания, к которому под текстом представлены возможные варианты ответов. Нажмите левой кнопкой мыши на выбранный Вами вариант ответа. Если выбран правильный ответ, он окрасится в зеленый цвет, красный цвет - индикатор неправильного варианта.
В правом нижнем углу расположена кнопка для перехода к следующему заданию.

ИнструкцияТест представляет собой 3-е задание раздела Лексика и грамматика ЕГЭ по английскому языку и состоит из 7

Слайд 3addressed
A new coat
At the weekend Dotty went to Anna for

tea and Anna’s mother Miranda gasped when she saw Dotty.

She had changed a lot. Anna had 32 ______ Dotty to the hairdresser’s and now she had a very beautiful hairstyle with a fringe. 33 ______, Miranda knew that the girls had bought a new suit for Dotty.
“You look completely different with your hair like that,” Miranda said approvingly, then, “Did you bring your suit with you? Anna told me how nice it was.”
Dotty waved a bag at her. “Yes, I did. Anna is going to let me borrow one of her coats which would match my suit. She says I'm not 34 ______ to wear this one now.”
“Well, I certainly agree with her on that point but I think you may take my woolen coat 35______ of Anna’s. I never wear it any more so if you like it you’re more than welcome to keep it.” Miranda disappeared to return minutes later with a very smart swing coat in navy blue folded across her arm. “Here, try this on,” she encouraged and Dotty slipped it on. “It’s just perfect,” Miranda told her. “And I have to say it looks so much better on you than it ever did on me. Take it and wear it in good health.”
“But I couldn’t,” Dotty spluttered. “It must have cost a 36 ______ and I really can’t take it.”
“Of course you can,” Miranda said. What good is it to me, hanging in the wardrobe and never 37 ______ the light of day? You’ll be 38 ______ me a favour taking it out of the way.” Dotty was really pleased with Miranda’s present.


Слайд 4Moreover
A new coat
At the weekend Dotty went to Anna for

tea and Anna’s mother Miranda gasped when she saw Dotty.

She had changed a lot. Anna had 32 ______ Dotty to the hairdresser’s and now she had a very beautiful hairstyle with a fringe. 33 ______, Miranda knew that the girls had bought a new suit for Dotty.
“You look completely different with your hair like that,” Miranda said approvingly, then, “Did you bring your suit with you? Anna told me how nice it was.”
Dotty waved a bag at her. “Yes, I did. Anna is going to let me borrow one of her coats which would match my suit. She says I'm not 34 ______ to wear this one now.”
“Well, I certainly agree with her on that point but I think you may take my woolen coat 35______ of Anna’s. I never wear it any more so if you like it you’re more than welcome to keep it.” Miranda disappeared to return minutes later with a very smart swing coat in navy blue folded across her arm. “Here, try this on,” she encouraged and Dotty slipped it on. “It’s just perfect,” Miranda told her. “And I have to say it looks so much better on you than it ever did on me. Take it and wear it in good health.”
“But I couldn’t,” Dotty spluttered. “It must have cost a 36 ______ and I really can’t take it.”
“Of course you can,” Miranda said. What good is it to me, hanging in the wardrobe and never 37 ______ the light of day? You’ll be 38 ______ me a favour taking it out of the way.” Dotty was really pleased with Miranda’s present.


Слайд 5allowed
A new coat
At the weekend Dotty went to Anna for

tea and Anna’s mother Miranda gasped when she saw Dotty.

She had changed a lot. Anna had 32 ______ Dotty to the hairdresser’s and now she had a very beautiful hairstyle with a fringe. 33 ______, Miranda knew that the girls had bought a new suit for Dotty.
“You look completely different with your hair like that,” Miranda said approvingly, then, “Did you bring your suit with you? Anna told me how nice it was.”
Dotty waved a bag at her. “Yes, I did. Anna is going to let me borrow one of her coats which would match my suit. She says I'm not 34 ______ to wear this one now.”
“Well, I certainly agree with her on that point but I think you may take my woolen coat 35______ of Anna’s. I never wear it any more so if you like it you’re more than welcome to keep it.” Miranda disappeared to return minutes later with a very smart swing coat in navy blue folded across her arm. “Here, try this on,” she encouraged and Dotty slipped it on. “It’s just perfect,” Miranda told her. “And I have to say it looks so much better on you than it ever did on me. Take it and wear it in good health.”
“But I couldn’t,” Dotty spluttered. “It must have cost a 36 ______ and I really can’t take it.”
“Of course you can,” Miranda said. What good is it to me, hanging in the wardrobe and never 37 ______ the light of day? You’ll be 38 ______ me a favour taking it out of the way.” Dotty was really pleased with Miranda’s present.


Слайд 6instead
A new coat
At the weekend Dotty went to Anna for

tea and Anna’s mother Miranda gasped when she saw Dotty.

She had changed a lot. Anna had 32 ______ Dotty to the hairdresser’s and now she had a very beautiful hairstyle with a fringe. 33 ______, Miranda knew that the girls had bought a new suit for Dotty.
“You look completely different with your hair like that,” Miranda said approvingly, then, “Did you bring your suit with you? Anna told me how nice it was.”
Dotty waved a bag at her. “Yes, I did. Anna is going to let me borrow one of her coats which would match my suit. She says I'm not 34 ______ to wear this one now.”
“Well, I certainly agree with her on that point but I think you may take my woolen coat 35______ of Anna’s. I never wear it any more so if you like it you’re more than welcome to keep it.” Miranda disappeared to return minutes later with a very smart swing coat in navy blue folded across her arm. “Here, try this on,” she encouraged and Dotty slipped it on. “It’s just perfect,” Miranda told her. “And I have to say it looks so much better on you than it ever did on me. Take it and wear it in good health.”
“But I couldn’t,” Dotty spluttered. “It must have cost a 36 ______ and I really can’t take it.”
“Of course you can,” Miranda said. What good is it to me, hanging in the wardrobe and never 37 ______ the light of day? You’ll be 38 ______ me a favour taking it out of the way.” Dotty was really pleased with Miranda’s present.


Слайд 7fortune
A new coat
At the weekend Dotty went to Anna for

tea and Anna’s mother Miranda gasped when she saw Dotty.

She had changed a lot. Anna had 32 ______ Dotty to the hairdresser’s and now she had a very beautiful hairstyle with a fringe. 33 ______, Miranda knew that the girls had bought a new suit for Dotty.
“You look completely different with your hair like that,” Miranda said approvingly, then, “Did you bring your suit with you? Anna told me how nice it was.”
Dotty waved a bag at her. “Yes, I did. Anna is going to let me borrow one of her coats which would match my suit. She says I'm not 34 ______ to wear this one now.”
“Well, I certainly agree with her on that point but I think you may take my woolen coat 35______ of Anna’s. I never wear it any more so if you like it you’re more than welcome to keep it.” Miranda disappeared to return minutes later with a very smart swing coat in navy blue folded across her arm. “Here, try this on,” she encouraged and Dotty slipped it on. “It’s just perfect,” Miranda told her. “And I have to say it looks so much better on you than it ever did on me. Take it and wear it in good health.”
“But I couldn’t,” Dotty spluttered. “It must have cost a 36 ______ and I really can’t take it.”
“Of course you can,” Miranda said. What good is it to me, hanging in the wardrobe and never 37 ______ the light of day? You’ll be 38 ______ me a favour taking it out of the way.” Dotty was really pleased with Miranda’s present.


Слайд 8seeing
A new coat
At the weekend Dotty went to Anna for

tea and Anna’s mother Miranda gasped when she saw Dotty.

She had changed a lot. Anna had 32 ______ Dotty to the hairdresser’s and now she had a very beautiful hairstyle with a fringe. 33 ______, Miranda knew that the girls had bought a new suit for Dotty.
“You look completely different with your hair like that,” Miranda said approvingly, then, “Did you bring your suit with you? Anna told me how nice it was.”
Dotty waved a bag at her. “Yes, I did. Anna is going to let me borrow one of her coats which would match my suit. She says I'm not 34 ______ to wear this one now.”
“Well, I certainly agree with her on that point but I think you may take my woolen coat 35______ of Anna’s. I never wear it any more so if you like it you’re more than welcome to keep it.” Miranda disappeared to return minutes later with a very smart swing coat in navy blue folded across her arm. “Here, try this on,” she encouraged and Dotty slipped it on. “It’s just perfect,” Miranda told her. “And I have to say it looks so much better on you than it ever did on me. Take it and wear it in good health.”
“But I couldn’t,” Dotty spluttered. “It must have cost a 36 ______ and I really can’t take it.”
“Of course you can,” Miranda said. What good is it to me, hanging in the wardrobe and never 37 ______ the light of day? You’ll be 38 ______ me a favour taking it out of the way.” Dotty was really pleased with Miranda’s present.


Слайд 9doing
A new coat
At the weekend Dotty went to Anna for

tea and Anna’s mother Miranda gasped when she saw Dotty.

She had changed a lot. Anna had 32 ______ Dotty to the hairdresser’s and now she had a very beautiful hairstyle with a fringe. 33 ______, Miranda knew that the girls had bought a new suit for Dotty.
“You look completely different with your hair like that,” Miranda said approvingly, then, “Did you bring your suit with you? Anna told me how nice it was.”
Dotty waved a bag at her. “Yes, I did. Anna is going to let me borrow one of her coats which would match my suit. She says I'm not 34 ______ to wear this one now.”
“Well, I certainly agree with her on that point but I think you may take my woolen coat 35______ of Anna’s. I never wear it any more so if you like it you’re more than welcome to keep it.” Miranda disappeared to return minutes later with a very smart swing coat in navy blue folded across her arm. “Here, try this on,” she encouraged and Dotty slipped it on. “It’s just perfect,” Miranda told her. “And I have to say it looks so much better on you than it ever did on me. Take it and wear it in good health.”
“But I couldn’t,” Dotty spluttered. “It must have cost a 36 ______ and I really can’t take it.”
“Of course you can,” Miranda said. What good is it to me, hanging in the wardrobe and never 37 ______ the light of day? You’ll be 38 ______ me a favour taking it out of the way.” Dotty was really pleased with Miranda’s present.


Слайд 10Тест окончен
Текст задания взят из Открытого банка заданий ЕГЭ на

сайте ФИПИ www.fipi.ru

Тест оконченТекст задания взят из Открытого банка заданий ЕГЭ на сайте ФИПИ www.fipi.ru

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