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Презентация к уроку английского языка на тему "Schools in Kazakhstan"

plan of the lessonI. The beginning: greetings; II. Checking of home task;III.Introduction of new theme: ”Schools in Kazakhstan”:a. Watching videob. Associations to the word ”School”c. Reading “My primary school”: d.Work with interactive board:

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Schools in Kazakhstan
The 8th form
Teacher: Mirgalieva R.T.

Schools in KazakhstanThe 8th form Teacher: Mirgalieva R.T.

Слайд 2plan of the lesson
I. The beginning: greetings;
II. Checking of

home task;
III.Introduction of new theme: ”Schools in Kazakhstan”:
a. Watching video
b. Associations

to the word ”School”
c. Reading “My primary school”:
d.Work with interactive board:
IV. Intellectual game “ Make me true“
V. Classroom ex-s: Ex III p 68
VI Quessing game: Ex IV p 69
VII. Consolidation: Test (10)
VIII. Conclusion: Proverbs
plan of the lessonI. The beginning: greetings; II. Checking of home task;III.Introduction of new theme: ”Schools in Kazakhstan”:a.

Слайд 3 
1. Put into force by the law; order
2. Coming after

something that is first or primary.
3. We have 4 of

them a year: winter, spring, summer, autumn
4. The most important.
5. To consist of, to be made of.
6. A course of study offered in school, college or university

Say it in a word and fill in the crossword

 1. Put into force by the law; order2. Coming after something that is first or primary.3. We



Слайд 5What is this video about?
What kind of school
Watching video

What is this video about?What kind of school Watching video

Слайд 6 My primary school
Exercise 1 p. 67
New words:
Include [in`klu:d] – включать

[tә`gezә] - вместе
Acquaint [ә`kweint] - знакомиться

My primary schoolExercise 1 p. 67New words:Include [in`klu:d] – включатьTogether [tә`gezә] - вместеAcquaint

Слайд 7 Answer the questions ex.2 p.68
1. What age did Aidar start school?

When did he go to secondary school?
3. How many years

of study do primary and secondary schools comprise?
4. How many years of study are compulsory in our republic?
5. What subjects does the primary school curriculum include?
6. What holidays do you have every year?
7. How long does every lesson last?

Answer the questions ex.2 p.681. What age did Aidar start school?2. When did he

Слайд 8
What do you see on the blackboard?
What is the name

of your school?
Whose monuments is there in front of our

What is your first teacher who taught you to write and read?
What do you see on the blackboard?What is the name of your school?Whose monuments is there in

Слайд 9Intellectual game “ Make me true“
Astana is the capital

of Russia.
After four years of primary school Aidar went to

He learned English from the 5th form.
School year lasted 7 month.
Each lesson lasted fifty five minutes.
School year began in May and ended on the 25th of September.
Primary and secondary schools together comprise 10 years of study.
Intellectual game “ Make me true“ Astana is the capital of Russia.After four years of primary school

Слайд 10Fill in the correct prepositions
1. Astana is the capital

-–- Kazakhstan.  2. I started school ---------the age of seven.  3. Nine

years ------classes are compulsory.  4. Our school year usually begins----------the first ------September.  5. ----------the first of September we get acquainted------------our teachers. 
Fill in the correct prepositions  1. Astana is the capital -–- Kazakhstan.  2. I started school

Слайд 11Guessing game exercise
If you complete it right, you’ll read the

right information
(Четыре) years of study is (начальная школа).

(начальная школа) we go to the (средняя школа) where we study (7 лет).
(Вместе) two schools (включает) (11 лет) of study
(Девять) years of study are also (обязательный) in our country.
In (начальная школа) we study different (предметы).
We learn the letters of the alphabet from (учителя) of (начальная школа)
We must be proud of our (школа и учителя)

8- C

Guessing game exerciseIf you complete it right, you’ll read the right information (Четыре) years of study is

Слайд 121. Я пошел в школу в семь лет.
2. Это

была обычная школа.
3. После четырех лет учебы в начальной

школе я перешел в среднюю школу.
4. Начальная и средняя школа вместе составляют 11 лет учебы.
5. Девять лет занятий в школе являются обязательными в нашей республике.
6. Курс начальной школы включает такие предметы, как казахский язык, математика, русский язык, рисование, физвоспитание, музыка и природоведение.
7. Наш учебный год начинается 1 сентября и заканчивается в мае.

Give the English equivalents for the following.
Ex. V p 69

1. Я пошел в школу в семь лет. 2. Это была обычная школа. 3. После четырех лет

Слайд 13
1. After-------- years of primary school we went to secondary

school.  a) six b) five

c) four  2. Средняя школа a) Primary school b) Secondary school c) Modern school  3. My favourite subjects--------- Kazakh, Russian and English.  a) am b) is c) are  4. Our school year begins ----------- the first -----September.  a) on/of b) at/in c) by/for  5. The school year in our country ends in ----------- .  a) September b) June c) May  6. Pupils have ------------- holidays a year.  a) 4 b) 5 c) 3  7. Nine years of classes are -------------- in our country.  a) ordinary b) compulsory c) secondary  8. Every lesson lasts -------- minutes.  a) thirty b) fifty five c) forty five  9. Учебный план a) curriculum b) comprise c) compulsory  10. Primary and secondary schools together comprise ---------years of study.  a) ten b) eleven c) twelve 


1. After-------- years of primary school we went to secondary school.  a) six

Слайд 14:
1- C 6- A

B 7-B
3- C

4- A 9- A
5-C 10-B 

Answers: Marks:
“9-10” 5
“7-8” 4
“5-6” 3

Answers :

:1- C       6- A2- B      7-B3-

Слайд 15Conclusion


Слайд 16 Hometask:

Exercise VI p 69
Write about your primary school using the

new words.
Thanks to all of you! Your marks for today’s

lessons are: ...
Hometask:Exercise VI p 69Write about your primary school using the new words.Evaluation:Thanks to all of

Слайд 17

Thank you for the lesson!

You may be free, good


Thank you for the lesson! You may be free, good bye!

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