Разделы презентаций

Традиции и обычаи Великобритании

Semi-detached house

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Traditions and customs
Of Great Britain
Мельникова Татьяна Петровна

Traditions and customs Of Great BritainМельникова Татьяна Петровна

Слайд 4Semi-detached house

Semi-detached house

Слайд 5Leeds Castle

Leeds Castle

Слайд 6Houses in Britain

Houses in Britain

Слайд 7The Changing of the Guard

The Changing of the Guard

Слайд 8Ceremony of the Keys 

Ceremony of the Keys 

Слайд 9Trooping the Colour

Trooping the Colour

Слайд 10Tea ceremony

Tea ceremony

Слайд 11Tea, The Cure – All. If you are cold, tea will

warm you. If you are too heated, tea will cool you. If

you are too depressed, tea will cheer you. If you are too exhausted, tea will calm you.
Tea, The Cure – All. If you are cold, tea will warm you. If you are too

Слайд 12Tea ceremony

Tea ceremony

Слайд 13Holidays


Слайд 16St. David's Day

St. David's Day

Слайд 17St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day

Слайд 18Mother's Day

Mother's Day

Слайд 19April Fool's Day

April Fool's Day

Слайд 20St. George's Day

St. George's Day

Слайд 22Queen's Official Birthday

Queen's Official Birthday

Слайд 23Halloween


Слайд 24Guy Fawkes' Day

Guy Fawkes' Day

Слайд 25St. Andrew's Day

St. Andrew's Day

Слайд 27Christmas


Слайд 28New Year`s Day

New Year`s Day

Слайд 29Animals for British

Animals for British

Слайд 30Egremont Crab Fair

Egremont Crab Fair

Слайд 31Cooper's Hill Cheese-Rolling and Wake

Cooper's Hill Cheese-Rolling and Wake

Слайд 32A maypole

A maypole

Слайд 33Pearly Kings and Queens

Pearly Kings and Queens

Слайд 34Royal Ascot 

Royal Ascot 

Слайд 35Straw Bear Festival

Straw Bear Festival

Слайд 36The World Worm Charming Championship

The World Worm Charming Championship

Слайд 37Morris dance

Morris dance

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