Разделы презентаций

Travelling 2007.pptx


Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The sights of London

The sights of LondonGeography & Travelling

Слайд 5Astana


Слайд 6London


Слайд 7The sights of India
Kutb-Minar (the Tower of Victory)
Tadzh Mahal

is in Agra
Red Fort

The sights of IndiaKutb-Minar (the Tower of Victory) Tadzh Mahal is in Agra Gоа   Red

Слайд 8
United Arab Emirates
Grand Mosque
Palm Island
Burj Al Arab Hotel
Swimming pool and

beach area

United Arab EmiratesGrand MosquePalm IslandBurj Al Arab HotelSwimming pool and beach area

Слайд 10 Every country has

the welcome home East or West,

like home There is no place its customs The wider we roam home is best
Every country has         the welcome home  East

Слайд 11Stages of the lesson

Stages of the lesson

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