Слайд 1Материал по учебнику «Маркет Лидер» для студентов, обучающихся по направлениям
«Экономика», «Менеджмент», «Бизнес - Информатика» для проведения занятий с использованием
интерактивных форм обучения (тренинг – ролевая игра, тренинг - кейс стади)
Слайд 35Кроссворд как занимательный английский язык
Активная лексика для заполнения кроссворда:
salary, responsibilities,
panel, income, wages, applicant, career, fill out, appoint, sought, board,
candidate, self-employed, fringe benefits, tax).
Слайд 367. Использование загадок, кроссвордов не только делает процесс обучения познавательным,
но и увлекательным.
Студентам предлагается заполнить кроссворд с использованием изученной лексики
Fill the gaps in these sentences, then add the words to the puzzle below.
American English, you an application form.
She's going to make engineering her ....
Are we going to ... a new sales manager?
He was the most promising .... for the job.
The past tense of seek is ....
All our production workers are paid top ....
The applicants will be interviewed by the ... of directors.
Mr and Mrs Smith supplement their . . by renting out rooms.
A well-prepared .... will do well at any interview.
The applicants were interviewed by a .... of three managers.
If you're ......... you're your own boss.
Could you explain to me what the .... of the job are?
How much .... will I have to pay?
What is your present annual.... ?
A company car, subsidized meals or low-interest loans are all…