Разделы презентаций

6. Trapping Trapping is the mechanism by which migration of oil and gas is

Study Tasks • Find out what traps the major Dutch oilfields have. Start with the Groningen field and also look at some of the Cretaceous on- and offshore oil and gas fields.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 16. Trapping
Trapping is the mechanism by which migration of

oil and
gas is stopped such that an accumulation of

these liquids
occurs. The identification of traps is one of the most
important tasks of the exploration geologist. For a trap to
be efficient and commercially viable, a large variety of
factors have to be considered. These include:

•  The presence of a positive porous permeable structure
•  The imperviousness of the seal
•  The absence of leaking faults
•  The migration of sufficient quantities of HC
6. Trapping Trapping is the mechanism by which migration of oil and gas is stopped such that

Слайд 21Study Tasks

• Find out what traps the major Dutch oilfields

have. Start
with the Groningen field and also look at

some of the
Cretaceous on- and offshore oil and gas fields.

• The Kashgan oilfield in Kazachstan, discovered in the
late 1990s, is one of the largest oilfields worldwide. Find
out about its structure, reservoir rock, seal, and trapping

• Try to figure out why the fields on the Arabian Platform
are so prolific. Does it have to do with the trapping
Study Tasks • Find out what traps the major Dutch oilfields have. Start with the Groningen field and

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