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I. Historical background to the New StandardII. NE Vowel System:Quantitative changes;The Great Vowel Shift;Development of ME short vowels;

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Слайд 2I. Historical background to the New Standard
II. NE Vowel System:

The Great Vowel Shift;
Development of ME short vowels;

I. Historical background to the New StandardII. NE Vowel System:Quantitative changes;The Great Vowel Shift;Development of ME short

Слайд 3III. NE Consonant System:
Vocalisation of ‘r’;
IV. NE Morphology and Syntax.

III. NE Consonant System:Vocalisation of ‘r’;IV. NE Morphology and Syntax.

Слайд 41476 Caxton introduced the printing press to England;
1492 Columbus reached

the ‘new World’;
By 1500, the English language was such that

native speakers of Modern English generally need no translations to understand it.
1476 Caxton introduced the printing press to England;1492 Columbus reached the ‘new World’;By 1500, the English language

Слайд 5The late Middle Ages (14th c.) had seen the triumph

of the English language over French, and the establishment of

a standard form of written English.
A standard laguage is a taught language which each individual has to learn whatever his or her own pronunciation.
The late Middle Ages (14th c.) had seen the triumph of the English language over French, and

Слайд 6Nonetheless Latin still had great prestige as the language of

international learning;
the three greatest scientific works published by Englishmen between

1600 and 1700 were all in Latin: Gilbert’s book on magnetism (1600), Harvey’s on the circulation of the blood (1628), and Newton’s Principia (1689).
Nonetheless Latin still had great prestige as the language of international learning;the three greatest scientific works published

Слайд 7The reasons for the defeat of Latin
The Reformation period (the

establishment of Protestantism, VI-VII c.). The translation of the Bible

into English, and the changeover from Latin to English in church services, raised the prestige of English. The more extreme Protestants regarded Latin as a “Popish” language, designed to keep ordinary people in ignorance and to maintain the power of priests.
The reasons for the defeat of LatinThe Reformation period (the establishment of Protestantism, VI-VII c.). The translation

Слайд 8The increase in national feeling (XV-XVI c.) that led to

a great interest and pride in the national language.
The rise

of social and occupational groups (skilled craftsmen, explorers, soldiers) which were eager to read and to learn in English. The spread of literacy among them.
The increase in national feeling (XV-XVI c.) that led to a great interest and pride in the

Слайд 9 But, while English was thus establishing its supremacy

over Latin, it was at the same time more under

its influence:
the introduction of Latin loan-words into English, e.g. vacuum, area, radius;
many words borrowed from French were given a Latin dress, e.g. NE debt and doubt (cf. Lat. debitum and dubitare).
But, while English was thus establishing its supremacy over Latin, it was at the same

Слайд 10 Principal Quantitative Changes
lengthening before –ss, -st, -ni, -ft,

but the change didn’t take

place if the voiceless fricative was immeditely followed by a vowel:
Cf. pass and passage.
Principal Quantitative Changeslengthening before –ss, -st, -ni, -ft,      but the change

Слайд 11
b) Shortening before [ɵ, d, t,k]
When ME ē was shortened

before [ɵ,d,t,k], it became [ɛ], as in breath, bread, sweat.

ME ō was shortened before [k,t], it became [ʊ], as in look and foot.
b) Shortening before [ɵ, d, t,k]When ME ē was shortened before [ɵ,d,t,k], it became [ɛ], as in

Слайд 12The Great Vowel Shift (15-late 17th c.)
the GreatVowel Shift (GVS) is

a chain-like transformation of the whole ME long vowel system.


GVS affected only ME long vowels (e.g. keep vs kept).
The Great Vowel Shift (15-late 17th c.)the GreatVowel Shift (GVS) is a chain-like transformation of the whole

Слайд 13The changes were “independent” and effected regularly any stressed vowel

in any position.
The GVS didn’t add any new sounds to

the vowel system. Thus, the modification of the words under the GVS was not reflect in their written forms.

The changes were “independent” and effected regularly any stressed vowel in any position.The GVS didn’t add any

Слайд 15
Rounding of vowels after /w /
(18th c.), as in

NE swan and watch.
The change didn’t take place if

the vowel was followed by a velar consonant, as in twang, wag, wax.
Rounding of vowels after /w / (18th c.), as in NE swan and watch. The change didn’t

Слайд 16NE Consonant System Vocalisation of [r] = the weakening of [r]


sonorant [r] began to produce a certain influence upon the

preceding vowels in Late ME.
[r] made the preceding vowel more open and retracted:
NE Consonant System Vocalisation of [r] = the weakening of [r]The sonorant [r] began to produce a

Слайд 17
the cluster [er] changed to [ar]: e.g. OE deorc –

Early ME derk – Late ME dark;
although the change of

[er] to [ar] was fairly common, it didn’t affect all the words with the given sounds: cf. ME servent, person.
the cluster [er] changed to [ar]: e.g. OE deorc – Early ME derk – Late ME dark;although

Слайд 18The vocalisation of [r] took place in the 16th or

17th c.
1) diphthongization.
In Early

NE [r] was vocalised when stood after vowels, either finally or followed by another consonant. Losing its consonant character [r] changed into [ə], which was added to the preceding vowel as a glide to form a diphthong: e.g. ME there [ɵɛ:re] NE there.
The vocalisation of [r] took place in the 16th or 17th c. 1) diphthongization.

Слайд 192) lengthening
Sometimes the only trace left by the loss

of [r] was the compensatory lengthening of the preceding vowel:

e.g. ME arm [arm] – NE arm.
3) change of quality
under the influence of [r], vowels [e, i,u] became [ə]
In the final unstressed position: ME ridere – NE rider.
2) lengthening Sometimes the only trace left by the loss of [r] was the compensatory lengthening of

Слайд 20If [ə] produced by vocalisation of [r] was preceded by

a diphthong, it was added to the diphthong to form

a triphthong: e.g. ME shour [ʃu:r] – NE shower.
[r] was not vocalised when doubled after consonants and initially: e.g. NE errand, dry, read.
This process didn’t take place in all varieties of English. Those varietes in which it was retained are called rhotic, (cf. non-rhotic)
If [ə] produced by vocalisation of [r] was preceded by a diphthong, it was added to the

Слайд 22Early Modern English Grammar
In morphology the trend towards simplification continues.

EME is characterized by an increase in the number of

prepositions and auxiliaries (grammaticalization), as expected of a languagebecoming more analytic.
Early Modern English GrammarIn morphology the trend towards simplification continues. EME is characterized by an increase in

Слайд 23Nouns
the –es of plurals and Gen Sg. was established;
Plurals in

–en and zero plurals are reduced to their modern extent

by the end of the 17th c.;
The –es Genitive was interpreted as his and this led to forms like for Christ his sake.
Nounsthe –es of plurals and Gen Sg. was established;Plurals in –en and zero plurals are reduced to

Слайд 24Personal pronouns:
new forms arose: it and its;
the use of you

with a singular meaning was prompted by politeness and the

influence of French.
Demonstrative pronouns:
- this ‘close to the speaker’, that ‘close to the hearer’, yon ‘distant from both speaker and hearer’
Personal pronouns:new forms arose: it and its;the use of you with a singular meaning was prompted by

Слайд 25The inflectional system of the verb underwent further simplification:
in the

3d person the –eth ending is found in writing until

the 17th c., but it is increasingly restricted to poetry. The –s form was already the usual form in speech by the 16th c.;
There was a more limited use of the progressive and auxiliary verbs than there is now, however.
The inflectional system of the verb underwent further simplification:in the 3d person the –eth ending is found

Слайд 26

Adjectives lost all endings except for in the comparative and

superlative forms.

Adjectives lost all endings except for in the comparative and superlative forms.

Слайд 27In syntax the period (15th -17th c.) sees the continued

movement towards an analytical language.
Equally the influence of Latin

grammar encourages more logic in the construction of a sentence. The idea that each sentence should have a subject and a predicate become dominant.
In syntax the period (15th -17th c.) sees the continued movement towards an analytical language. Equally the

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