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France – one of the oldest republics in

Parliament National meeting 557 members: 555 members are selected in 555 election districts and 22 members — in overseas departments.Are selected according to the majority system in 2 rounds for a

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1France – one of the oldest republics in Europe
1792-1804 –

First Republic
1848-1852 – Second Republic
18701940 – Third Republic
1944-1958 – Fourth

October, 4, 1958 – Fifth Republic

France – one of the oldest republics in Europe1792-1804 – First Republic1848-1852 – Second Republic18701940 – Third

Слайд 2Parliament
National meeting
557 members: 555 members are selected in

555 election districts and 22 members — in overseas departments.

selected according to the majority system in 2 rounds for a period of 5 years.

321 members: 15 are the members from the overseas departments
Members are selected by indirect voting according to the majority system for a period of 9 years. Each 3 years the Senate structure is updated on one third.

Parliament National meeting 557 members: 555 members are selected in 555 election districts and 22 members —

Слайд 3The residence of the National meeting is the Burbonsky palace


residence of the Senate is Luxembourg palace

The residence of the National meeting is the Burbonsky palaceThe residence of the Senate is Luxembourg palace

Слайд 4The structure of the chamber
The chairman
The bureau
The vice-chairmen, the secretaries

and the cvestors

The structure of the chamberThe chairmanThe bureauThe vice-chairmen, the secretaries and the cvestors

Слайд 5The competence of the French Parliament - absolutely limited
The parliament

accepts three kinds of laws — constitutional (changing the Constitution),

organic (on questions especially specified in the Constitution) and usual.
The competence of the French Parliament - absolutely limited The parliament accepts three kinds of laws —

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