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LECTURE 2 OE Morphology. OE Syntax.


An OutlineGrammatical categories of the Noun in OE The Grammatical Categories of the Adjective in OE Grammatical Categories of the Verb in OE The Morphological Classification of the OE Verbs Principal

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Слайд 1LECTURE 2
OE Morphology.
OE Syntax.

LECTURE 2OE Morphology.OE Syntax.

Слайд 2An Outline
Grammatical categories of the Noun in OE
The Grammatical

Categories of the Adjective in OE
Grammatical Categories of the

Verb in OE
The Morphological Classification of the OE Verbs
Principal Features of OE Syntax
An OutlineGrammatical categories of the Noun in OE The Grammatical Categories of the Adjective in OE Grammatical

Слайд 3
PIE had been an inflected language and PG had retained

inflections to a greater a lesser extent.
In grammar, OE

carried out some simplifications of the PG system
PIE had been an inflected language and PG had retained inflections to a greater a lesser extent.

Слайд 4Noun Grammatical categories:
Noun declensions

Noun Grammatical categories:CaseNumberGenderNoun declensions

Слайд 5The Category of Case
4 cases:
Nominative (the subject case), Accusative

( the object case), Genitive (indicating possession)
Dative (used after most

prepositions and also as the indirect object).

The Category of Case4 cases: Nominative (the subject case), Accusative ( the object case), Genitive (indicating possession)Dative

Слайд 6 The Category of Number
Sg. and Pl.
Nominative dæġ

Accusative dæġ dæġ

dæġes daga
Dative dæġe dagum

The Category of NumberSg. and Pl.Nominative    dæġ   dagasAccusative

Слайд 7The Category of Gender
Present-day English has only natural gender,
Gender in

OE is grammatical.
Cf. OE moegden (girl), wīf (wife), bearn

(child, son), and cild (child) are in fact neuter.

The Category of GenderMFNPresent-day English has only natural gender,Gender in OE is grammatical. Cf. OE moegden (girl),

Слайд 8Noun declensions
A group of nouns which all have the same

set of inflexions attached to them are the members of

a particular declension.

Noun declensionsA group of nouns which all have the same set of inflexions attached to them are

Слайд 9Types of declensions in OE:
strong declension
weak declension
root declension
minor declensions

Types of declensions in OE:strong declensionweak declension root declensionminor declensions

Слайд 10strong declension

strong declensiona-stems, ō-stems, i-stems,u-stems.

Слайд 11strong declension (a-stems masculine)

stān stānas

stāne stānum
stān stānas

strong declension  (a-stems masculine)   Singular	     Plural		stān

Слайд 12The a-stems form the most important declension for the later

history of the language.

Cf. ModE stones – OE stānas

the plural inflexion -as is the antecedent of the modern standard plural marker.

The a-stems form the most important declension for the later history of the language. Cf. ModE stones

Слайд 13weak declension
n-stems nouns
This declension gave the later -en plural
Cf. ModE

oxen ( < OE oxan)

weak declensionn-stems nounsThis declension gave the later -en pluralCf. ModE oxen ( < OE oxan)

Слайд 15Root declension
Its most obvious characteristic is that they should have

shown i-mutation.

Root declensionIts most obvious characteristic is that they should have shown i-mutation.

Слайд 16 Singular Plural
Nom. fōt

Gen. fōtes fōta
Dat. fēt fōtum
Acc. fōt fēt

is the source of irregular plurals;
PDE foot ~ feet, man ~ men, goose ~ geese.

Singular	   PluralNom.	    fōt		   fētGen.		fōtes		fōtaDat.		fēt		   fōtum Acc.		fōt

Слайд 17OE Adjectives
Grammatical categories:
1) Number;
2) Case;
3) Gender;
Degrees of comparison.
Declensions: strong and


OE AdjectivesGrammatical categories:1) Number;2) Case;3) Gender;Degrees of comparison.Declensions: strong and weak.

Слайд 18OE Verb
The categories of OE Verb:
The category of Person (three

The category of Number (two numbers)
The category of Mood (three

The category of Tense (present and past)

OE VerbThe categories of OE Verb:The category of Person (three persons)The category of Number (two numbers)The category

Слайд 19The progressive constructions:
Cf. Europe hio onginð... of Danai þære ie,

seo is irnende of norÞdæle...
Europe she begins... from Don that

river, that is running from northern-part...

The progressive constructions: Cf. Europe hio onginð... of Danai þære ie, seo is irnende of norÞdæle...Europe she

Слайд 20The perfect and plusperfect constructions
Cf. Ic hæbbe gebunden þone feond;


have bound that enemy”

The perfect and plusperfect constructionsCf. Ic hæbbe gebunden þone feond;I have bound that enemy”

Слайд 21Passive constructions
OE he gefeaht wiþ Gotan, & gefliemed weard &

bedrifen on anne tun
he fought against Goths and put-to-flight

was and driven into one fortress
PDE: he fought against the Goths and was put to flight and driven into afortress;

Passive constructionsOE he gefeaht wiþ Gotan, & gefliemed weard & bedrifen on anne tun he fought against

Слайд 22Morphological classes of OE verbs

Morphological classes of OE verbsstrong, weak, preterit-presents, irregular

Слайд 23
A peculiar feature of the Germanic languages was the division

of the verb into two great classes: the weak and

the strong verbs.

A peculiar feature of the Germanic languages was the division of the verb into two great classes:

Слайд 24Strong verbs
7 classes or “ablaut series”
Four forms: the infinitive, the

past singular, the past plural, and the past participle.
Their major

categories are formed by root-vowel alternations (ablaut).

Strong verbs7 classes or “ablaut series”Four forms: the infinitive, the past singular, the past plural, and the

Слайд 25
I. drīfan drāf drifon (ge)

II. cēosan cēas curon coren

helpan healp hulpon holpen
IV. beran bær boren
V. sprecan spræc sprecen
VI. faran fōr fōron faren
VII. feallan fēoll fēollon feallen

I. drīfan drāf    drifon   (ge) drifenII. cēosan cēas   curon

Слайд 26Weak verbs
Three forms: present infinitive; past tense; past participle.


form these forms by means of the dental suffixes.

Weak verbsThree forms: present infinitive; past tense; past participle. They form these forms by means of the

Слайд 28OE Syntax
OE was a highly inflected language.
Meaning was determined

by case endings: that is, the relationship among words in

a sentence was determined not by the word in the sentence, but by the special endings of the words

OE SyntaxOE was a highly inflected language. Meaning was determined by case endings: that is, the relationship

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