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Some characteristics of the surface layerSurface layer (SL) is greatly influenced by the underlying surface. The latter supplies the SL with heat, water vapor, and admixtures and here the air currents

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State of the surface layer has a significant impact

on vegetable and animal kingdoms, on the activity and state

of humanity as a whole, and on individual people.
All kind of exchange between surface and the atmosphere come about through the surface layer.
(heat, momentum, water vapor fluxes go through it)
Processes within the surface layer are different from all other layers of the atmosphere.
SURFACE LAYERState of the surface layer has a significant impact on vegetable and animal kingdoms, on the

Слайд 2Some characteristics of the surface layer
Surface layer (SL) is greatly

influenced by the underlying surface. The latter supplies the SL

with heat, water vapor, and admixtures and here the air currents experience the friction effect.
Meteorological parameters experience variations with time and altitude that are much stronger than in the rest of the atmosphere.

Inversions are frequent phenomena in the surface layer.
The most important process in the surface layer is EDDY MIXING.
Some characteristics of the surface layerSurface layer (SL) is greatly influenced by the underlying surface. The latter

Слайд 3For more clear reasoning, let’s assume the following conditions:
no advection

vertical motion close to zero
εr=0, fair weather (no water

phase transfer)



For more clear reasoning, let’s assume the following conditions:no advection vertical motion close to zero εr=0, fair

Слайд 4Let’s define the altitude z=h, up to which the ratio

remains very small.
For instance ε=0,1
“h” is altitude of SL
According to

measurements, Q0=40…250 w/m².

Suppose, temperature variation is 5°C for 12 hours

Let’s define the altitude z=h, up to which the ratio 			remains very small.For instance ε=0,1“h” is altitude

Слайд 5From the previous discussion we know
The layer 0 – Z

is relatively small. Therefore, within this layer temperature variation has

the same sign at any altitude. It means that Z increase results in increase the integral too, and at Z

Thus, within the layer 0 – h Q≈Q0. The error will not be more than 10%

From the previous discussion we knowThe layer 0 – Z is relatively small. Therefore, within this layer

Слайд 6Temperature profiles in the surface layer
the New Bridge, Bratislava, Slovakia;

Temperature inversion; 11 Nov 2005
Author: --Ondrejk 23:33, 21 Mar 2005

Temperature profiles in the surface layerthe New Bridge, Bratislava, Slovakia; Temperature inversion; 11 Nov 2005Author: --Ondrejk 23:33,

Слайд 7
eddy coefficient k grows up with z in the surface

assume there’s linear growth of k:

eddy coefficient k grows up with z in the surface layerassume there’s linear growth of k:

Слайд 8Let’s multiply both parts of (13.4) by dz

Let’s multiply both parts of (13.4) by dz

Слайд 9Let’s integrate (13.6) from z=0 (

) to arbitrary chosen z

we adopted that

(13.7) is

a logarithmic law of air temperature distribution in the surface layer.
As known

Let’s integrate (13.6) from z=0 (       )  to arbitrary chosen

Слайд 10(13.7) can be rewritten as
T0 is measured just at the

surface (significant inaccuracy). Let’s reduce such errors (13.8 for z=z1


substitute in (13.8)

(13.7) can be rewritten asT0 is measured just at the surface (significant inaccuracy). Let’s reduce such errors

Слайд 11
sign of temperature variation with height depends on sign of

heat flux Q0
the air temperature decreases with height at

the air

temperature increases with height at

sign of temperature variation with height depends on sign of heat flux Q0the air temperature decreases with

Слайд 12Some empirical studies have shown that logarithmic law describes T(z)

more or less correctly at neutral stratification when
coefficient k0 can

be expressed with roughness parameter z00

substituting (13.11) into (13.10):

order of magnitude Z0 (snow,grass,water,desert) 10-2m, (forest,town,broken terrain) 100…10-1 m.
We may neglect Z0 at z,z1 > 1 m.

Some empirical studies have shown that logarithmic law describes T(z) more or less correctly at neutral stratification

Слайд 13sign of temperature variation with height depends on sign of

heat flux Q0
the air temperature decreases with height at

the air

temperature increases with height at

sign of temperature variation with height depends on sign of heat flux Q0the air temperature decreases with

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