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The Parthenon

The Parthenon is a temple of the Greek goddess Athena, whom the people of Athens considered their protector. Its construction began in 447 BC and was completed in 438 BC on

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Слайд 1By Anton Chalienko
Vladislav Kolesnikov
The Parthenon

By Anton ChalienkoVladislav KolesnikovThe Parthenon

Слайд 2The Parthenon is a temple of the Greek goddess Athena,

whom the people of Athens considered their protector. Its construction

began in 447 BC and was completed in 438 BC on the Athenian Acropolis, It is the most important surviving building of Classical Greece,. Its decorative sculptures are considered some of the high points of Greek art. The Parthenon is regarded as an enduring symbol of Ancient Greece and of Athenian democracy and one of the world's greatest cultural monuments.
The Parthenon is a temple of the Greek goddess Athena, whom the people of Athens considered their

Слайд 3The Parthenon itself replaced an older temple of Athena, which

historians call the Pre-Parthenon or Older Parthenon, that was destroyed

in the Persian invasion of 480 BC. Like most Greek temples, the Parthenon was used as a treasury. In the 6th century AD, the Parthenon was converted into a Christian church dedicated to the Virgin Mary. After the Ottoman Turk conquest, it was turned into a mosque in the early 1460s, and it had a minaret built in it.

The Parthenon itself replaced an older temple of Athena, which historians call the Pre-Parthenon or Older Parthenon,

Слайд 4 On 26 September 1687, an Ottoman Turk ammunition dump

inside the building was ignited by Venetian bombardment. The resulting

explosion severely damaged the Parthenon and its sculptures. In 1806, Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Elgin removed some of the surviving sculptures, with Ottoman Turk permission. These sculptures, now known as the Elgin Marbles or the Parthenon Marbles, were sold in 1816 to the British Museum in London, where they are now displayed..
On 26 September 1687, an Ottoman Turk ammunition dump inside the building was ignited by Venetian

Слайд 5The Parthenon in Nashville, Tennessee is a full-scale replica of

the original Parthenon in Athens. It was built in 1897

as part of the Tennessee Centennial Exposition.

The Parthenon in Nashville, Tennessee is a full-scale replica of the original Parthenon in Athens. It was

Слайд 6The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Слайд 7The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Babylon was the

largest and richest city in the Ancient East. A lot

of amazing buildings were in Babylon, but most striking hanging gardens of the royal palace, the gardens that have become legend.
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon  Babylon was the largest and richest city in the Ancient East.

Слайд 8The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Gardens were built

by the order of Navuhodensora for his beloved wife Amitis

- Median princess. In bulk terraces, hanging gardens were defeated. The platform terrace is a complex structure.
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon  Gardens were built by the order of Navuhodensora for his beloved

Слайд 9The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
The terrace was covered with

a thick layer of fertile soil which had to keep

the roots of big trees. The height reached 50 cubits (27.75 m).
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon The terrace was covered with a thick layer of fertile soil which

Слайд 10The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Day and night

the slaves spun Water-wheel with leather buckets, handing water from

the Euphrates River.
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon  Day and night the slaves spun Water-wheel with leather buckets, handing

Слайд 11The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Слайд 12The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
The Hanging Gardens were

destroyed by flooding of the Euphrates, which rose to 3

- 4 meters during floods. Ancient Babylon ceased to exist, but its name still lives.
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon  The Hanging Gardens were destroyed by flooding of the Euphrates, which

Слайд 13Mausoleum of Halicarnassus

Mausoleum of Halicarnassus

Слайд 14Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
One of the greatest monuments

of the late classical Greek architecture was the magnificent tomb

of Halicarnassus. The tomb was erected in the IV century BC by the queen of Artemis - the wife and sister of the king of Maussollos.
Mausoleum of Halicarnassus  One of the greatest monuments of the late classical Greek architecture was the

Слайд 15Egyptian pyramids

Egyptian pyramids

Слайд 16Egyptian pyramids
The most ancient the pyramid of Pharaoh

Djoser was erected about five thousand years ago. Its height

is 60 meters.
Egyptian pyramids  The most ancient the pyramid of Pharaoh Djoser was erected about five thousand years

Слайд 18Egyptian pyramids
The builder of the first pyramid

Imhotep was an architect, physician, astronomer, writer, advisor to Pharaoh.

Egyptian pyramids  The builder of the first pyramid Imhotep was an architect, physician, astronomer, writer, advisor

Слайд 19Egyptian pyramids
Archaeologists have counted 80 pyramids. Not

all of them have survived. The most famous three large

pyramids near GIZAH: Cheops (Khufu), Chephren (Khafre), and Mekerina (Menkaure).
Egyptian pyramids  Archaeologists have counted 80 pyramids. Not all of them have survived. The most famous

Слайд 20Egyptian pyramids
The largest of these, the pyramid

of Cheops was built in the XXVIII century BC. Initially,

it rose to 147 meters, but due to sand encroachment, its height decreased to 137 meters.
Egyptian pyramids  The largest of these, the pyramid of Cheops was built in the XXVIII century

Слайд 22Egyptian pyramids
The area of the pyramid is more

than 50 thousand square meters.

But its domestic premises occupy a very small amount - no more than 3-4%.
Egyptian pyramids  The area of the pyramid is more than 50 thousand square meters.

Слайд 23Egyptian pyramids
The pyramid consists of two million three

hundred thousand cubic blocks of limestone with a smooth polished

sides. Each unit weighs from 3 to 10 tons. The total weight of the pyramid is 5,7 million tons.
Egyptian pyramids  The pyramid consists of two million three hundred thousand cubic blocks of limestone with

Слайд 24Egyptian pyramids
«All the world is afraid


but time fears the
Egyptian pyramids   «All the world is afraid of

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