1 kg of water per 1 m2 ? 1 mm of precipitated water
1131 / 25.5=45 times or every 8 days
The equation is true for non-saturated air
in/outflux of w.v. due to evap./condensation
With the accuracy 10 % :
Is the w.v.flux at z=0, i.e. the rate of evaporation from the Earth’s surface:
(20.8) shows that the w.v. eddy flux in the surface layer
can be regarded as approximately unchangeable
with height ( as well as a heat flux).
Similarly to the heat flux :
“S” decreases at Q’0 < 0 with height proportionally to ln z
Suring’s formula
( empirical)
Z in km
True within the boundary layer above the surface layer
relative humidity
In winter/over water surfaces:
One min, usually before sunrise.
Weak max, supposed before noon.
Eddy exchange is weak
Eddy transfer of the w.v. is compensated by evaporation
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