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American food

What is it – american food?Most Americans think food should be good for health despite their habit to attend the fast food. You have to drink a glass of fruit juice

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Слайд 1American food

American food

Слайд 2What is it – american food?
Most Americans think food should

be good for health despite their habit to attend the

fast food. You have to drink a glass of fruit juice every day because it contains vitamin C, as well as cheese and milk, because they are rich in calcium. Besides, Americans like to cook for breakfast cereals, which contain protein and iron.Food in USA is quite diverse, residents can include in your diet daily consumption of lobsters, oysters, large pink shrimp and lobster.
What is it – american food?Most Americans think food should be good for health despite their habit

Слайд 3Role of fruits and vegetables in American ration
Most popular food

in USA is healthy food, that’s why Americans choose fruits

and vegetables. They cook from it different kinds of salads and add to various dishes. Americans think that food with vegetables and fruits can help them to support health and stay young and attractive.
Role of fruits and vegetables in American rationMost popular food in USA is healthy food, that’s why

Слайд 4Breakfast in the usa
As a rule, every American breakfast includes

toast, eggs, bacon, cereal, a large donut, fresh fruit juice

or freshly brewed aromatic coffee. Lunch is also simple and consists of a multilayer sandwich or from steak with fries. Besides, Americans like to drink Cola. Significant place in the diet of an ordinary American family occupy a variety of recipes based on seafood. As for the sausage, the most prevalent here got bacon and sausages. Americans also prefer to eat chicken and turkey.
Breakfast in the usaAs a rule, every American breakfast includes toast, eggs, bacon, cereal, a large donut,

Слайд 5Americans’ addictions
Americans adore all kinds of sweets. Most U.S. residents

prefer different jellies, candies and cakes.

Americans’ addictionsAmericans adore all kinds of sweets. Most U.S. residents prefer different jellies, candies and cakes.

Слайд 6quickly and easily
All meals of America are so easy to

prepare, that can cope with them even a child. Despite

the challenging compositions are prepared, they are extremely fast and with a minimum of effort.
quickly and easilyAll meals of America are so easy to prepare, that can cope with them even

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