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An Ideal Welfare State

Categories of people.There are a lot of categories of people: the widowed, the retired, the unemployed, the disabled people, the elderly, the sick, the single parents.Benefits for different categories of people:The

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Слайд 1An Ideal Welfare State.
Categories of people.
Medical Care in a Welfare

Life of Elderly People.
My opinion about a welfare state.

An Ideal Welfare State.Categories of people.Medical Care in a Welfare State.Life of Elderly People.My opinion about a

Слайд 2Categories of people.
There are a lot of categories of people:

the widowed, the retired, the unemployed, the disabled people, the

elderly, the sick, the single parents.
Benefits for different categories of people:
The widowed can claim widows pension.
The retired can get retirement pension.
The sick are entitled to social Benefits.
The unemployed are provided with unemployment benefits.

Categories of people.There are a lot of categories of people: the widowed, the retired, the unemployed, the

Слайд 3Medical Care in a Welfare State.
First, medical insurance is organized

by the Government and is compulsory. Second, despite the shortage

of money, the system of medical care works well. Third, there are two sectors of medical care. There is a private sector and a public sector. And medical care is available to the poor and to the rich.
Medical Care in a Welfare State.First, medical insurance is organized by the Government and is compulsory. Second,

Слайд 4Life of Elderly People.
There are a lot of good points.

First, the elderly do not have to go to work.

Second, they have adult children, who are not a burden any more. Third, they have a lot of time to meet with friends, read, travel go in for sports, work in them garden.
And the elderly get wiser, have mo experience and the ability to help with advice. First, elderly people become a burden to children. Second, they suffer the fear of dearth. Third, elderly people lose friend and spouses.
Life of Elderly People.There are a lot of good points. First, the elderly do not have to

Слайд 5My opinion about a welfare state.
In the welfare state, most

benefits are available to everybody who is entitled to them

and it's very good. In the welfare slate, nobody is allowed to live in poverty. Everybody is to have proper health care and education regardless of their income. The welfare state helps the disabled, people who are unable to work to earn money on their own.
My opinion about a welfare state.In the welfare state, most benefits are available to everybody who is

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