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An ideal welfare state

Thoughts about ideal welfare stateI think there is no ideal welfare state in our world. Besides it’s only a dream, all the humanities aspire to achieve it during the whole history.I

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Слайд 1An ideal welfare state
By V. Mertsalov, form 11

An ideal welfare stateprojectBy V. Mertsalov, form 11

Слайд 2Thoughts about ideal welfare state
I think there is no ideal

welfare state in our world. Besides it’s only a dream,

all the humanities aspire to achieve it during the whole history.
I think it will never be achieved because of many social and psychological reasons as greed, thirst of the power, cruelty in the society.
Thoughts about ideal welfare stateI think there is no ideal welfare state in our world. Besides it’s

Слайд 3Benefits
Of course welfare state should pay benefits for its citizens.

But only those who really need it should receive benefits.

They are pensioners, the disabled, widows with little children and invalids.
BenefitsOf course welfare state should pay benefits for its citizens. But only those who really need it

Слайд 4Benefits
To my mind the unemployed and the homeless shouldn’t get

a lot of money from the state, because they are

responsible for their being unemployed and homeless and if they want to be rich and happy they can do it themselves
BenefitsTo my mind the unemployed and the homeless shouldn’t get a lot of money from the state,

Слайд 5Education
Children are the future of all countries. State should take

care about them. Important parts of children’s life are school

and university. Every country wants to have good specialists. That’s why education should be free. To my mind education should be compulsory for all.
EducationChildren are the future of all countries. State should take care about them. Important parts of children’s

Слайд 6Medicare
Welfare state should pay for medical service. Hospitals should treat

for free only those patients, whose diseases are dangerous for

their health. Certainly plastic operations won’t be paid by a state.
MedicareWelfare state should pay for medical service. Hospitals should treat for free only those patients, whose diseases

Слайд 7Culture
Most of countries have their own cultures. The state should

remember about it and support it. Culture can rally nation

during bad events like wars.
CultureMost of countries have their own cultures. The state should remember about it and support it. Culture

Слайд 8Sports
Sport is an important part of people’s lives. And it

helps citizens to be healthy. Sportsmen are representatives of the

country at international competitions. Because of it the state should finance sport.
SportsSport is an important part of people’s lives. And it helps citizens to be healthy. Sportsmen are

Слайд 9As a result…
As I already said there is no ideal

thing in our world. But sate which helps its citizens,

takes care about children, provides medical help, remembers about sport and supports culture is very close to being ideal. That’s my opinion.
As a result…As I already said there is no ideal thing in our world. But sate which

Слайд 10Thanks a lot for your attention!

Thanks a lot for your attention!

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