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As we have already known, the United States of America is a very diverse country. Among the USA biggest cities are New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Detroit, Boston,

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Слайд 2 As we have already known, the United States of

America is a very diverse country. Among the USA biggest

cities are New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Detroit, Boston, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Washington.
As we have already known, the United States of America is a very diverse country. Among

The capital of the USA is Washington in

the district of Columbia. It's an administrative city without much

industry. The American capital has a lot of places of interests. One should visit the Lincoln Memorial, the White House, the Capitol and lots of others.

WASHINGTON  The capital of the USA is Washington in the district of Columbia. It's an administrative

New York is the largest city and a port

in the United States. It's one of the financial and

business centres of the world. It's famous for its skyscrapers. One of the most famous statues in the world stands on an island in New York Harbor. It's the Statue of Liberty.
NEW YORKNew York is the largest city and a port in the United States. It's one of

The second biggest city of the USA is Los

Angeles in California. Not far from Los Angeles is Hollywood,

the centre of the movie industry. The city has a busy highway. Los Angeles is not only a film centre but also a business, industrial, trade and criminal centre.
LOS ANGELESThe second biggest city of the USA is Los Angeles in California. Not far from Los

San Francisco on the Pacific coast is a

big port and shipbuilding centre. It's famous for its bridges,

fog and hills. Don't leave San Francisco without seeing the structure that has become its symbol -The Golden Bridge.
   SAN FRANCISCOSan Francisco on the Pacific coast is a big port and

Chicago is the third largest city in the USA. The

third world's tallest building Sears Tower (442 m) is here.

Chicago is one of the industrial centres and the biggest ports. It's also the chief railroad centre of the USA.
CHICAGOChicago is the third largest city in the USA. The third world's tallest building Sears Tower (442

Philadelphia was the first capital of the USA and here

the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776. It 's

famous for its museums, art galleries, concert halls, theatres.
That's why it has nicknamed the "Athens of America".
PHILADELPHIAPhiladelphia was the first capital of the USA and here the Declaration of Independence was signed in

Слайд 9  BOSTON
Boston  is the one of the largest cities of the  United

States. Many colleges and universities make Boston an international center of higher

education and medicine, and the city is considered to be a world leader in innovation. Boston's economic base also includes finance, professional and business services, biotechnology, infor-mation technology, and government activities. The city has one of the highest costs of living in the United States.
   BOSTON  Boston  is the one of the largest cities of the  United States. Many colleges and universities make

Слайд 10Houston 
Houston is the largest and most populous city in the US, state Texas.  It’s

economy is based on the energy sector, oil, gas, petrochemical

and high-tech production. The largest entertainment complex, the Bayou Place, is located in Houston. Houston suburbs are very far from the city center and are considered separate cities. Houston has become the home of many communities from around the world.
Houston Houston is the largest and most populous city in the US, state Texas.  It’s economy is based on the energy sector,

Слайд 11Detroit
Detroit, the state of Michigan, is associated with automotive legend

- Henry Ford. The metropolitan city of Detroit is a

combination of old and new, is dynamic, bustling, and progressive. It is a well-designed city. Detroit is also a home of two major airports. The city has a culturally diverse population.
DetroitDetroit, the state of Michigan, is associated with automotive legend - Henry Ford. The metropolitan city of

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