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Wild animals and their habitats

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Green issues

BORN FREEGreen issues

Слайд 2Wild animals and their habitats

Wild animals and their habitats

Слайд 3Wild animals and their habitats
polar regions

Wild animals and their habitatswoodsdesertpolar regions

Слайд 4Wild animals and their habitats
tropical rainforests
savannah (grassland)

Wild animals and their habitatstropical rainforestswetlandssavannah (grassland)

Слайд 5Complete the sentences
Parrots live in _____.

Complete the sentencesParrots live in _____.

Слайд 6Complete the sentences
_____ live in _____.

Complete the sentences_____ live in _____.

Слайд 7Complete the sentences
_____ live in _____.

Complete the sentences_____ live in _____.

Слайд 8Complete the sentences
_____ live in _____.

Complete the sentences_____ live in _____.

Слайд 9Complete the sentences
_____ live in _____.

Complete the sentences_____ live in _____.

Слайд 10Complete the sentences
_____ live in _____.

Complete the sentences_____ live in _____.

Слайд 11role (n) - part
endangered species (adj) - one that soon

may no longer exist
survive (v) - continue to exist
act (v)

- behave
drawbacks (n) - disadvantages
recreate (v) - [ˌriːkriˈeɪt ] - copy, replicate
cage (n) - fortified containers for animals
argument for/ against - a set of reasons that show that something is true/ untrue
environment (n) - everything around us


role (n) - partendangered species (adj) - one that soon may no longer existsurvive (v) - continue

Слайд 12We should close all zoos and return the animals to

their natural habitats.
Pros (FOR)
Zoos help certain animal species survive.

are educational. Children have the chance to see wild animals.

Animals should not live in cages.
Animals should be free.
In some zoos animals are mistreated.
The environment is not ideal so some animals die.

We should close all zoos and return the animals to their natural habitats.Pros (FOR)Cons (AGAINST)Zoos help certain

Слайд 13The opposites

argument for
untrue, false
disadvantage, drawback
argument against

The opposites+-trueagreeadvantageargument foruntrue, falsedisagreedisadvantage, drawbackargument against

Слайд 14The outline of the text
Paragraph 1 introduces the topic.
Paragraph 2

gives the advantages with reasons and examples.
Paragraph 3 gives the

disadvantages with reasons and examples.
Paragraph 4 gives the writers opinion.
The outline of the textParagraph 1 introduces the topic.Paragraph 2 gives the advantages with reasons and examples.Paragraph

Слайд 15Linkers
give a personal opinion - I believe
give an opposite opinion

- on the other hand, however
add reasons - in addition,

introduce a conclusion - to sum up
introduce an argument - on the one hand
Linkersgive a personal opinion - I believegive an opposite opinion - on the other hand, howeveradd reasons

Слайд 16Pros and cons of keeping wild animals as pets
Owners don’t

know how to look after them. - con
They need special

food/ habitats. - con
It’s a good way to learn about them. - pro
You help conserve them. - pro
They can be dangerous. - con
Pros and cons of keeping wild animals as petsOwners don’t know how to look after them. -

Слайд 17Complete the question tags
They have to collect rubbish, ___ ___?

doesn’t have to recycle cans, ___ ___?
Acid rain is harmful,

___ ___?
You’ve got a ladder, ___ ___?
We can help protect the environment, ___ ___?
John has built a nesting box, ___ ___?
He didn’t clean out the pond, ___ ___?
He will rake the garden, ___ ___?
This factory rarely emits toxic fumes, ___ ___?
Complete the question tagsThey have to collect rubbish, ___ ___?He doesn’t have to recycle cans, ___ ___?Acid

Слайд 18Homework
ex.1,2 p.78

Portfolio p. 47

* SB ex.6 p.80

HomeworkQuizex.1,2 p.78Portfolio p. 47* SB ex.6 p.80

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