Разделы презентаций


Слайды и текст этой презентации



Слайд 2hallway
1 / 13

hallway1 / 13

Слайд 32 / 13
living room

2 / 13living room

Слайд 43 / 13
dining room

3 / 13dining room

Слайд 54 / 13

4 / 13kitchen

Слайд 65 / 13

5 / 13bedroom

Слайд 76 / 13

6 / 13bathroom

Слайд 87 / 13
study room

7 / 13study room

Слайд 97 / 13
laundry room

7 / 13laundry room

Слайд 108 / 13

8 / 13pantry

Слайд 119 / 13

9 / 13stairs

Слайд 1210 / 13

10 / 13attic

Слайд 1311 / 13

11 / 13basement

Слайд 1412 / 13

12 / 13garage

Слайд 1513 / 13

13 / 13backyard

Слайд 16laundry room
We wash and iron our clothes in the …

laundry roomWe wash and iron our clothes in the …

Слайд 17study room
I do my homework in the …

study roomI do my homework in the …

Слайд 18backyard
I play with my dog in the …

backyardI play with my dog in the …

Слайд 19bathroom
I wash my hands and clean my teeth in the

bathroomI wash my hands and clean my teeth in the …

Слайд 20bedroom
I sleep and get dressed in my …

bedroomI sleep and get dressed in my …

Слайд 21kitchen
My parents cook the meals in the …

kitchenMy parents cook the meals in the …

Слайд 22pantry
We keep food and other things in the …

pantryWe keep food and other things in the …

Слайд 23dining room
We have dinner in the …

dining roomWe have dinner in the …

Слайд 24living room
I watch TV with my family in the …

living roomI watch TV with my family in the …

Слайд 25hallway
I take out my coat and clean my shoes when

I arrive home in the…

hallwayI take out my coat and clean my shoes when I arrive home in the…

Слайд 26garage
My parents keep the car in the …

garageMy parents keep the car in the …

Слайд 27basement
This room is under the ground floor.

basementThis room is under the ground floor.

Слайд 28attic
This room is under the roof of my house.

atticThis room is under the roof of my house.

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