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Chapter 4


Learning ObjectivesExplain how the present U.S. income tax system came into being.Identify and understand the major tax features that affect all taxpayers.Describe the other non-income-based taxes that you must pay.Understand what

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Слайд 1Chapter 4
Tax Planning and Strategies

Chapter 4Tax Planning and Strategies

Слайд 2Learning Objectives
Explain how the present U.S. income tax system came

into being.
Identify and understand the major tax features that affect

all taxpayers.
Describe the other non-income-based taxes that you must pay.
Understand what is taxable income and how taxes are determined.
Choose the tax form that’s right for you.
Calculate your income taxes.
Learning ObjectivesExplain how the present U.S. income tax system came into being.Identify and understand the major tax

Слайд 3Taxes Then, Taxes Now
Tax Freedom Day – when the average

American has earned enough to pay federal, state, and local

taxes for that year.
In 1950 Tax Freedom Day was March 31st
In 2000 Tax Freedom Day was May 3rd
In 2005 Tax Freedom Day was April 17th
Taxes are the single largest annual expenditure for most families.
Taxes Then, Taxes NowTax Freedom Day – when the average American has earned enough to pay federal,

Слайд 4The Federal Income Tax Structure
Present tax structure is progressive or

graduated, meaning increased income is taxed at increasing rates.

brackets differentiate income levels.
This system is based on the idea that those who earn more can afford to pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes.
The Federal Income Tax Structure Present tax structure is progressive or graduated, meaning increased income is taxed

Слайд 5The Federal Income Tax Structure
Not all income is taxed.

income is tax-free because of personal exemptions.
Some income is shielded

by itemized or standard deductions.
Taxable income is a function of adjusted gross income (AGI), deductions, and exemptions.

The Federal Income Tax Structure Not all income is taxed. Some income is tax-free because of personal

Слайд 6The Federal Income Tax Structure
Assume you are in the 15%

tax bracket. Does that mean you pay 15% of your

taxable income in taxes?
No. Taxes are graduated, so income is taxed at increasing rates. The last dollar earned is taxed at 15%. Earlier income was taxed at the lower rate.
The Federal Income Tax Structure Assume you are in the 15% tax bracket. Does that mean you

Слайд 7Marginal Versus Average Taxes
Average Tax Rate
Relates taxes to taxable

or overall income. This is the average amount of your

total income taken away in taxes.

Marginal Tax Rate
Looks at the percent of the last dollar earned that goes to pay taxes. This is also known as the marginal tax bracket.

Marginal Versus Average TaxesAverage Tax Rate Relates taxes to taxable or overall income. This is the average

Слайд 8Marginal Versus Average Taxes
Marginal tax rate is important when investing

in a tax-deferred retirement plan.
Since the government allows tax deductions

for contributions to retirement plans, a $1000 contribution, if you are in the 15% tax bracket, lowers your taxes by $150.
The reduction allows you to invest the entire $1000 rather than only $850 ($1000 2 $150 in taxes).

Marginal Versus Average TaxesMarginal tax rate is important when investing in a tax-deferred retirement plan.Since the government

Слайд 9Effective Marginal Tax Rate

Federal income taxes are not the only

income-based taxes you pay. You pay:
State income taxes
City or

local taxes
Social security taxes

As a result of these taxes, your effective marginal tax rate – the rate you pay when all income taxes are combined – is greater than the marginal tax rate on federal income taxes.
Effective Marginal Tax RateFederal income taxes are not the only income-based taxes you pay. You pay:State income

Слайд 10Capital Gains and Dividend Income
A “capital gain” occurs when a capital

asset is sold for a profit.
The tax paid on

the gain is a “capital gains tax.”
Assets held for 12 months or more qualify as a long-term capital gain, taxed at a lower rate.
A “capital loss” occurs when a capital asset is sold for a loss.
Capital losses can offset capital gains.
Capital Gains and Dividend IncomeA “capital gain” occurs when a capital asset is sold for a profit.

Слайд 11Capital Gains and Dividend Income
The tax laws provide a lower tax

rate on both the long-term capital gains and on dividends.

Long-term capital gains tax applies to profits from the sale of stocks and bonds, it does not apply to collectibles.
You don’t pay the capital gains tax until the asset is sold.
Capital Gains and Dividend IncomeThe tax laws provide a lower tax rate on both the long-term capital

Слайд 12Long-Term Capital Gains on Homes
The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 effectively

eliminates capital gains taxes on a house sale for most

It exempts gains up to $500,000 for couples filing jointly.
Home must be the principal residence.
Must have been occupied for 2 of the past 5 years.
Long-Term Capital Gains on HomesThe Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 effectively eliminates capital gains taxes on a

Слайд 13Filing Status
Have no dependent children.
Married Filing Jointly and Surviving Spouses

income and deductions into a single return.
Married Filing Separately
Used if

couples are separated or getting divorced.
Head of Household
Unmarried and living with at least one child or relative.

Filing StatusSingleHave no dependent children.			Married Filing Jointly and Surviving SpousesCombine income and deductions into a single return.Married

Слайд 14Cost of Living Increases in Tax Brackets, Exemptions, and Deductions


1985, tax brackets have changed annually to reflect changes in

the cost of living (inflation).
Standard deductions and personal exemptions are increased to reflect inflation.
This ensures that tax payments don’t increase just because of a cost of living increase in wages.
The increase caused by inflation is called “bracket creep.”
Cost of Living Increases in Tax Brackets, Exemptions, and DeductionsSince 1985, tax brackets have changed annually to

Слайд 15Paying Your Income Taxes
Most taxes are collected on a pay-as-you-go

basis. Nearly all individual income taxes are collected through withholding

from wages.
These withholdings include social security, state, and local taxes.
Taxes are also collected through quarterly estimated taxes sent to the IRS, payments with tax return, and withholdings from stock dividends, retirement funds, and prize winnings.
Paying Your Income TaxesMost taxes are collected on a pay-as-you-go basis. Nearly all individual income taxes are

Слайд 16Paying Your Income Taxes
You have some control over how much

is deducted for taxes from your wages.
Withholdings are determined

by income level and information on W-4 form.
Paying Your Income TaxesYou have some control over how much is deducted for taxes from your wages.

Слайд 17Other Taxes
Income-Based Taxes
Social Security or FICA
State and local income taxes

Excise taxes – “sin taxes”
Property taxes
Gift and estate taxes

Other TaxesIncome-Based TaxesSocial Security or FICAState and local income taxesNon-Income-Based TaxesExcise taxes – “sin taxes”Property taxesGift and

Слайд 18Calculating Your Taxes
If your income is more than $17,800 you

must file a tax return.
Figure 4.1 lists the rules for

who must file a return.
Dependents with income over $4850 from a job must file a return.
Those with unearned income, from investments, of $800 must file a return.
Calculating Your TaxesIf your income is more than $17,800 you must file a tax return.Figure 4.1 lists

Слайд 19Calculating Your Taxes
Step 1: Determining Gross or Total Income
Total or

gross income is the sum of all taxable income from

all sources.
Active income – from wages, salaries or tips
Portfolio or investment income – securities
Passive income – activities in which the taxpayer does not actively participate

Calculating Your TaxesStep 1: Determining Gross or Total IncomeTotal or gross income is the sum of all

Слайд 20Calculating Your Taxes
Step 2: Calculating Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)

gross income (AGI) is gross income less allowable deductions.

Payments set aside for retirement
Some moving expenses
Alimony payments

Calculating Your TaxesStep 2: Calculating Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) Adjusted gross income (AGI) is gross income less

Слайд 21Calculating Your Taxes
Step 3: Subtracting Deductions
Choose between standard deduction

or itemizing.
Standard deduction is the government’s best estimate of

what the average person would deduct if itemizing.
Calculating Your TaxesStep 3: Subtracting Deductions Choose between standard deduction or itemizing. Standard deduction is the government’s

Слайд 22Calculating Your Taxes
Step 3: Subtracting Deductions
Itemize deductions by listing

all those allowable:
Medical and dental expenses
Tax expenses
Home mortgage and investment

interest payments
Gifts to charity
Casualty and theft loss
Miscellaneous deductions
Calculating Your TaxesStep 3: Subtracting Deductions Itemize deductions by listing all those allowable:Medical and dental expensesTax expensesHome

Слайд 23Calculating Your Taxes
Step 4: Claiming Your Exemptions
An exemption is

a deduction for each person supported by the income on

a tax return.
In 2004, each exemption lowered taxable income by $3100.
Exemptions can be personal or dependency.
Once your AGI reaches a certain level, the value of the exemption is reduced.
Calculating Your TaxesStep 4: Claiming Your Exemptions An exemption is a deduction for each person supported by

Слайд 24Calculating Your Taxes
Step 5: Calculating Your Taxable Income, and From

That, Calculating Your Base Income
Taxable income = AGI 2

(deductions and exemptions).
Once taxable income is determined, the income tax can be found in the federal income tax booklet.
Taxable income above $100,000 determined by rate schedules.
Alternative minimum tax (ATM) ensures that everyone pays taxes.
Calculating Your TaxesStep 5: Calculating Your Taxable Income, and From That, Calculating Your Base Income Taxable income

Слайд 25Calculating Your Taxes
Step 6: Subtract Your Credits and Determine Your Taxes

Tax credits offset taxes in a direct manner –

not merely reducing taxable income but offsetting taxes.
Child Credit
The Hope Scholarship Tax Credit and the Lifetime Learning Credit
Other Tax Credits
Child and dependent care credit
Earned income credit
Adoption credit
Calculating Your TaxesStep 6: Subtract Your Credits and Determine Your Taxes Due Tax credits offset taxes in

Слайд 26Other Filing Considerations
Choosing a tax form
1040EZ – no dependents, income

under $100,000, no itemizing.
1040A – the original easy form, $100,000

total taxable income, allows dependents, and IRA contributions.
Other Filing ConsiderationsChoosing a tax form1040EZ – no dependents, income under $100,000, no itemizing.1040A – the original

Слайд 27Other Filing Considerations
Choosing a tax form
1040 – the “long form,”

allows for itemized deductions and adjustments to income.
A schedule is

an attachment to this form providing information on income and expenses listed on 1040.

Other Filing ConsiderationsChoosing a tax form1040 – the “long form,” allows for itemized deductions and adjustments to

Слайд 28Other Filing Considerations
Electronic Filing
Over half of all taxpayers file electronically

Faster refunds
More accurate returns
Quick electronic confirmation
Easy payment options

Other Filing ConsiderationsElectronic FilingOver half of all taxpayers file electronicallyBenefits include:Faster refundsMore accurate returnsQuick electronic confirmationEasy payment

Слайд 29Filing Late and Amended Returns
File Late – Form 4868 -

request an extension if unable to file by April 15th

and include estimated tax payment.
If no enclosed check, then charged interest on taxes.
Amended Return - Form 1040X – file within 3 years of original tax date.
Amend the state and local forms as well.
Filing Late and Amended ReturnsFile Late – Form 4868 - request an extension if unable to file

Слайд 30Being Audited
IRS audits over 1 million taxpayers annually.
Why an

Randomly selected
Audited in the past
High income
Itemized deductions
Self-employment income
Keep good records

and appeal audit outcome if necessary.
Being AuditedIRS audits over 1 million taxpayers annually. Why an audit?Randomly selectedAudited in the pastHigh incomeItemized deductionsSelf-employment

Слайд 31Help in Preparing Taxes
Handle taxes by yourself.
Use IRS booklets, toll-free

hot line, or walk in service.
Use self-help publications and computer

Hire a tax specialist
National affiliations
Independent tax specialists
Help in Preparing TaxesHandle taxes by yourself.Use IRS booklets, toll-free hot line, or walk in service.Use self-help

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