Разделы презентаций

Chapter 4 Appendix

Loss ForecastingProbability distributions commonly used in loss forecasting include:NormalBinomialExponentialPoissonThe normal distribution is used in many situations

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Chapter 4 Appendix
Risk Management Application Problems

Chapter 4 AppendixRisk Management Application Problems

Слайд 2Loss Forecasting
Probability distributions commonly used in loss forecasting include:
The normal

distribution is used in many situations

Loss ForecastingProbability distributions commonly used in loss forecasting include:NormalBinomialExponentialPoissonThe normal distribution is used in many situations

Слайд 3Exhibit A4.1 Areas Under the Normal Curve (One Tail)

Exhibit A4.1 Areas Under the Normal Curve (One Tail)

Слайд 4Time Value of Money
When decisions involve consideration of cash flows

over time, the interest-earning capacity of money must be taken

into account
Time Value of MoneyWhen decisions involve consideration of cash flows over time, the interest-earning capacity of money

Слайд 5Other Risk Management Applications
An accurate forecast of the timing and

magnitude of claims is especially important when losses are retained

ability to forecast ultimate claims for liability lines is an important skill for the risk manager
Loss development factors are multipliers that can be applied to claims settled to date to estimate the ultimate claims for a period
When pricing catastrophe bonds, the probability of various loss contingencies must be considered
Other Risk Management ApplicationsAn accurate forecast of the timing and magnitude of claims is especially important when

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