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constitution of the Russian Federation

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1constitution of the Russian Federation
The student of 1 course of

department of history group No. 13 executed Valeriy Zhanzharov

constitution of the Russian FederationThe student of 1 course of department of history group No. 13 executed

Слайд 2We are citizens of Russia!

We are citizens of Russia!

Слайд 3 Nationality in the Russian Federation

is a stable legal and political relation of the person

with the state, political and legal affiliation of the person to the concrete state.
Nationality in the Russian FederationNationality is a stable legal and political relation

Слайд 4In December, 2000 the State Duma of the Russian Federation

adopted laws on the state symbolics of the Russian Federation

– the coat of arms, a flag and the anthem.
In the third millennium Russia entered with new state symbols.
In December, 2000 the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted laws on the state symbolics of

Слайд 5The modern State Emblem testifies that our country – the

independent state, and all of us are citizens of new,

democratic Russia.

. Flag – our shrine, and we have to be respectful to it and honoring
The modern State Emblem testifies that our country – the independent state, and all of us are

Слайд 6Unimaginable breadth of fields,
branchy white-trunked birches,
floods of the rivers,
steppes immense

scope. It is Russia!

Unimaginable breadth of fields,branchy white-trunked birches,floods of the rivers,steppes immense scope. It is Russia!

Слайд 7It is our small Homeland!
It is our Fatherland!

It is our small Homeland!It is our Fatherland!

Слайд 8 What is the Constitution?
The constitution – (from

armor. establishment) – the basic law of the state.

constitution defines:
Bases state and
social order;
System of authorities,
order of their education and
Rights and duties of citizens.
What is the Constitution?The constitution – (from armor. establishment) – the basic law of

Слайд 9History of the constitution of Russia
1918 – Constitution of RSFSR

– Constitution of the USSR
1936 – Constitution of the USSR

– Constitution of the USSR
1993 – Constitution Russian

History of the constitution of Russia1918 – Constitution of RSFSR1924 – Constitution of the USSR1936 – Constitution

Слайд 10 Presidents of the Russian Federation
The second Russian

President – Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich
(2000 – 2008)
The third

Russian President – Medvedev Dmitry Anatolyevich
(2008 – 2012)
Presidents of the Russian FederationThe second Russian President – Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich  (2000

Слайд 11Incumbent president of the Russian Federation
It is chosen

on a post national vote in May

The president – the head of state;
In his hands there is a special power – presidential;
Its main tasks: to protect the constitutional system of Russia, to maintain the civil peace and a national consent.
Incumbent president of the Russian Federation  It is chosen on a post national vote in May

Слайд 12 According to the constitution all legislation i.e.

its laws is formed

It is proclaimed that the people of Russia adopt the Constitution;
Democratic and humanistic values are fixed;
The place of Russia in the modern world is defined.
According to the constitution all legislation i.e. its laws is formed

Слайд 13 Section 1 (heads)
Bases of

the constitutional system.
Rights and freedoms of the person and citizen.

Russian President.
Federal Assembly.
Government of the Russian Federation.
Judicial authority.
Local management.
Constitutional amendments and Constitution revision.
Section 1 (heads)Bases of the constitutional system.Rights and freedoms of the

Слайд 14Section 2
Final and transitional provisions

Section 2  Final and transitional provisions

Слайд 15Public authorities.
Legislative assembly –
Federal Assembly;
Executive power –

Judicial authority.

Public authorities.President;Legislative assembly –  Federal Assembly;Executive power –  Government;Judicial authority.

Слайд 16The Federal Assembly – parliament of the Russian Federation is

representative and legislature (Article 94 of the constitution of the

Russian Federation).
The Federal Assembly – parliament of the Russian Federation is representative and legislature (Article 94 of the

Слайд 18The Federation Council and the State Duma sit separately;
Chambers can

gather for hearing of messages of the President of the

Russian Federation, messages of the Constitutional court, speeches of heads of the foreign states.
The Federation Council and the State Duma sit separately;Chambers can gather for hearing of messages of the

Слайд 19Lawmaking way
Legislative initiative;
Bill preparation;
Entering of bills into the State Duma;

consideration in
State Duma;
Adoption of law in the State Duma;

adoption of the law in the Federation Council;
Signing and law publication by the Russian President.
Lawmaking wayLegislative initiative;Bill preparation;Entering of bills into the State Duma;Bill consideration in State Duma;Adoption of law in

Слайд 20Government
Develops and submits to the State Duma the budget and

provides its execution;
Provides carrying out in Russia uniform financial, credit

policy in the field of culture, education, health care, etc.
Exercises control of federal property;
GovernmentDevelops and submits to the State Duma the budget and provides its execution;Provides carrying out in Russia

Слайд 21Government
Takes measures for ensuring defense of the country,

state security, realization of foreign policy of the Russian Federation

Government  Takes measures for ensuring defense of the country, state security, realization of foreign policy of

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