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Creation of a regional political talk-show (case study in television program

The relevance of the research.Although there is a lot of information about creation of the talk shows on national TV, there is a lack of knowledge about the strategies of a

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Слайд 1

Creation of a regional political talk-show (case study in television

program “Sevastopol decides”)
Katerina Brega
Undergraduate in media communication

Creation of a regional political talk-show (case study in television program “Sevastopol decides”)  Katerina Brega

Слайд 2The relevance of the research.
Although there is a lot of

information about creation of the talk shows on national TV,

there is a lack of knowledge about the strategies of a talk show development for regional TV broadcasting. In addition, there is a request for regional TV talk shows by local audience:
43% of viewers are dissatisfied with information which is not explained or discussed on the Sevastopol television.
17% of viewers complain on the lack of entertaining content on Sevastopol TV channels.
The relevance of the research.Although there is a lot of information about creation of the talk shows

Слайд 3
The object of the research – political talk-show on the

regional broadcasting.

The subject of the research – creative and technical

instruments for creation of a regional political talk-show for television.

The purpose of out study – to develop a strategy of a creation of a successful regional political talk-show for television broadcasting.

The object of the research – political talk-show on the regional broadcasting.The subject of the research –

Слайд 4

The empirical basis of the study was the scripts of

talk show “Sevastopol decides”, statistics (TV ratings of Sevastopol television

channels), Mediascope studies, “Sevastopol decides” episodes.
The empirical basis of the study was the scripts of talk show “Sevastopol decides”, statistics (TV ratings

Слайд 5Talk show is a television or radio show in which

various topics are discussed informally and listeners, viewers, or the

studio audience are invited to participate in the discussion.
Talk show is a television or radio show in which various topics are discussed informally and listeners,

Слайд 6Political talk shows are all characterized by informal and unscripted

discussion. Political talk shows are constructed as spontaneous and informal

but are in fact rigidly structured. It is claimed that they offer a space for political commentary that allows audiences to form their own political views, but critics claim that political talk shows do not inspire healthy political debate and instead focus on trivial matters.
Political talk shows are all characterized by informal and unscripted discussion. Political talk shows are constructed as

Слайд 7Sevastopol TV channels:

Sevastopol TV channels:

Слайд 9“Sevastopol decides” is a political talk show where the host

together with experts discuss actual Sevastopol problems (ecology, transport, housing

and communal services, etc). The broadcasting is everyday live on air. The discussion is based on controversial opinions of political antipodes.

The program is interactive and involves a lot of social media means (review of the comments and posts in social networks, digital polls, etc).

The concept of the talk show:

“Sevastopol decides” is a political talk show where the host together with experts discuss actual Sevastopol problems

Слайд 11ВЕД
The hosts of “Sevastopol Decides” show

ВЕДThe hosts of “Sevastopol Decides” show

Слайд 12The most popular episodes are devoted to social problems (housing

and communal service, transport, etc).

The most popular episodes are devoted to social problems (housing and communal service, transport, etc).

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