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David Beckham

BiographyHe was born 2 may 1975 in London. Best known as a midfielder, and Mr. Spice. At the beginning of his biography David Beckham was in the lead among other English

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1David Beckham
Born may 2, 1975

Position Midfielder
Height and weight

David BeckhamBorn     may 2, 1975Nationality     EnglandPosition   MidfielderHeight

Слайд 2Biography
He was born 2 may 1975 in London. Best known

as a midfielder, and Mr. Spice. At the beginning of

his biography David Beckham was in the lead among other English players. During his career he played for Manchester United", "Preston North End", "Milan", the "real" (Madrid). David has twice placed second in the voting for the title of "Player of the year" (FIFA). He became the first British footballer, who spent 100 matches in the Champions League. Beckham was captain of England from the end of 2000 to 2006 (58 matches).
BiographyHe was born 2 may 1975 in London. Best known as a midfielder, and Mr. Spice. At

Слайд 3Championship


Слайд 4National cups

National cups

Слайд 5Euro cup

Euro cup

Слайд 7David Beckham is among 25 players in the Museum Tussauds.

David Beckham is among 25 players in the Museum Tussauds.

Слайд 8Here is my famous Englishman.

Here is my famous Englishman.

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