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development of Figurative-plastic thinking in bachelors in paper-plastic classes

Artistic image in paper plastic

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Слайд 1development of Figurative-plastic thinking in bachelors in paper-plastic classes
Soloveva Alina

decorative arts
2 course

development of Figurative-plastic thinking in bachelors in paper-plastic classesSoloveva Alinamagistracyteaching decorative arts2 course

Слайд 2Artistic image in paper plastic

Artistic image in paper plastic

Слайд 3Art image as a concept
An artistic image is a generalized

reflection of reality in the form of a specific individual

phenomenon. For example, in such vivid artistic images of world literature as Don Quixote, Don Juan, Hamlet, Gobsec, Faust, etc., the typical features of a person, his feelings, passions, desires, are summarized. The artistic image is visual, i.e. accessible to perception, and sensual, i.e. directly affecting the human senses.

Salvador Dali

Art image as a conceptAn artistic image is a generalized reflection of reality in the form of

Слайд 4Figurative plastic language of paper plastics
Paper plastic allows you to

create semi-volume and volume paper compositions that are similar in

appearance to the bas-relief and sculpture. Flowers, animals, fairy-tale characters made in this technique, due to the volume, look like real works of art. Work is created from individual elements, each of which is given the necessary form and volume with special tools. Then the elements are assembled into a composition, forming a holistic image. There are various types of paper plastic: origami, facing, quilling, work with corrugated paper and many others.
Figurative plastic language of paper plasticsPaper plastic allows you to create semi-volume and volume paper compositions that

Слайд 5The role of material in the formation of an artistic

image in paper plastic
Different types of paper material have different

properties that give certain effects and expressiveness, which the artist chooses to create an artistic image. Common means of artistic expression include: composition, form, color, contrast, tone, rhythm.
The peculiarity of paper is its lightness, plasticity, and compliance with any deformation.
The role of material in the formation of an artistic image in paper plasticDifferent types of paper

Слайд 6Methodology of forming a figurative-plastic way of thinking
My methodology for

the development of figurative-plastic thinking consists of a set of

classes for creating paper dolls with bachelors on the basis of a geometric body: cone, cube, pyramid, ball, cylinder. I conducted classes and students created many different beautiful dolls, each of which has its individual character.
Methodology of forming a figurative-plastic way of thinkingMy methodology for the development of figurative-plastic thinking consists of

Слайд 7forming the figurative-plastic way of thinking by means of paper

plastic (formative experiment)

forming the figurative-plastic way of thinking by means of paper plastic (formative experiment)

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