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Symbols Of The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland

Phonetic Exercisethe British Islessceneryplain sovereignpopulated mountainousvastcoastal valley machinery

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Слайд 1Symbols Of The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern


Symbols Of The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland

Слайд 2Phonetic Exercise
the British Isles

Phonetic Exercisethe British Islessceneryplain sovereignpopulated mountainousvastcoastal valley machinery

Слайд 3Write Down New Words And Find For Their Meaning

national emblem
myths and legends

Write Down New Words And Find For Their Meaningsymbolcountry flag rose daffodildragon thistle shamrock national emblemmyths and

Слайд 4The United Kingdom of great Britain and northern Ireland

The United Kingdom of great Britain and northern Ireland

Слайд 5England
The capital of England is London.

EnglandThe capital of England is London.

Слайд 6England
The red rose is the symbol of England. It comes

from the history of the country.
This symbol goes back to

the War of the Roses, which was the war within the country. In the 15th century two Houses were struggling for the English throne — the Lancastrians and the Yorkists.
Red rose was the emblem of the Lancastrians and the white rose was that of the Yorkists. Their rival ended when King Henry VII, the Lancastrian, married Princess Elizabeth, the daughter of the Yorkist. Since that time the red rose has become the national emblem of England.

EnglandThe red rose is the symbol of England. It comes from the history of the country.This symbol

Слайд 7scotland
The capital of Scotland is Edinbirgh.

scotlandThe capital of Scotland is Edinbirgh.

Слайд 8scotland
For many centuries the purple thistle has been Scotland's national

There is a legend that explains why it became the

Scottish emblem. According to that legend, ancient Scandinavians (the Norsemen) wanted to plunder* the land of Scotland and settle there. So, they landed on the east coast of Scotland. The Scots gathered their army to defend the land. They assembled behind the river Tay and made a camp to have rest after a long march. The Scots were sleeping and did not expect the enemies.
When the Norsemen decided to attack the Scots, they took their shoes off not to make noise. But one of the Norsemen stepped on a thistle. That sudden and sharp pain made him scream. So the Scots heard this "alarm" and put the Norsemen to fight. That is how the thistle became the emblem of Scotland.
** plunder- грабить (мародерствовать)

scotlandFor many centuries the purple thistle has been Scotland's national emblem.There is a legend that explains why

Слайд 9wales
The capital of wales is Cardiff.

walesThe capital of wales is Cardiff.

Слайд 10wales
Wales has got two national symbols. These are the daffodil

and the leek.
They are both connected to the Patron Saint

of Wales.
According to the legend, during a battle against the Saxons, St. David advised his soldiers to wear leeks in their hats so that they could easily be distinguished from their enemies.
Another link between the leek and St. David is the belief that he had to live on bread and wild leek for several years.
However, today each year on St. David's Day the leek is worn in the cap badges of every soldier in every Welsh regiment.
But outside the army, many other Welsh people have substituted the leek by the daffodil, perhaps because it looks more attractive and certainly smells a lot better.
The daffodil is also associated with St. David's Day, due to the fact that it breaks into blossom on that day. Interesting to note that one of the many Welsh names for a daffodil is "Cenhinen Bedr" which means "Peter's leek".

walesWales has got two national symbols. These are the daffodil and the leek.They are both connected to

Слайд 11Northern ireland
The capital of Northern Ireland is Ireland.

Northern irelandThe capital of Northern Ireland is Ireland.

Слайд 12Northern ireland
The shamrock is the symbol of Northern Ireland. It

is also connected to St. Patric, Patron Saint of Ireland.

Patrick is most famous for bringing Christianity to Ireland. The legend tells how he used the shamrock, a kind of a white clover with three leaves to explain the Holy Trinity. Apparently, he used it to show how the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit could all exist as separate elements of the same entity.

The red hand is also a symbol of Northern Ireland. The Red Hand is in its flag. According to the myth, there was time when the heir to the throne of Ireland was undecided. And they decided to hold a boat-race and the winner (the first who would reach the shore of Ulster) would be the king. One competitor so much desired the country that when he saw that he was losing the race, he cut his hand, threw it to the shore and won. The hand is most likely red because it was covered with blood.

Northern irelandThe shamrock is the symbol of Northern Ireland. It is also connected to St. Patric, Patron

Слайд 13Exercise 1. Match The Words

Exercise 1. Match The Words

Слайд 14Exercise 2. Unscramble The Words
1. geldnan
2. danslcto
3. lweas
4. nnterro lnirdae
5. gtera itbnari

Exercise 2. Unscramble The Words1.	geldnan2.	danslcto3.	lweas4.	nnterro lnirdae5.	gtera itbnari

Слайд 15Exercise 3.
Find 9 words
Do the quiz


Exercise 3. Find 9 wordsDo the quizhttps://learningapps.org/1264078

Слайд 16Exercise 4. Answer The Questions
1. What is the symbol of Scotland?

2. What countries are in the UK?
3. What is the symbol

of Wales?
4. What is the symbol of England?
5. What is the symbol of Northern Ireland?

Exercise 4. Answer The Questions1.	What is the symbol of Scotland? 2.	What countries are in the UK? 3.	What

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