Разделы презентаций

Diploma theme: Change in the Anti-emergency automatic system as a result of the

North-East-SouthIn 2018 Kegoc finished the Construction of a 500 kV overhead transmission lines which called «North-East-South transit».

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Diploma theme: Change in the Anti-emergency automatic system as a result

of the complication of the Kazakhstan’s NEN scheme.

Done by: Shaimuradov

Research supervisor : Bektemirov A.T.

Diploma theme: Change in the Anti-emergency automatic system as a result of the complication of the Kazakhstan’s

Слайд 2North-East-South
In 2018 Kegoc finished the Construction of a 500 kV

overhead transmission lines which called «North-East-South transit»

North-East-SouthIn 2018 Kegoc finished the Construction of a 500 kV overhead transmission lines which called «North-East-South transit».

Слайд 3Anti-emergency control system


-in order to prevent

disturbances in power system stability
- in

order to eliminate asynchronous modes
- prevent unacceptable reduction or increase in frequency, voltage
-prevent unacceptable current loads on electrical equipment
-increase the allowable power flow in the network

Anti-emergency control system:    -in order to prevent disturbances in power system stability

Слайд 4Stracture of anti-emergency control system

Stracture of anti-emergency control system

Слайд 5Automation of prevention of violation of stability(АПНУ)
Most acceptable for our

national electrial network after the complication with entering to the

scheme north-east-south transit would be method 1-before.
Automation of prevention of violation of stability(АПНУ)Most acceptable for our national electrial network after the complication with

Слайд 6Why do we use method 1-Before ?
Method 2-Before in Centralized

emergency control system when solving problems of APVS(АПНУ)
control redundancy
mode limitation

1-Before in Centralized emergency c.s.(ЦСПА)
- Efficiency
-possibility of improvement
Why do we use method 1-Before ?Method 2-Before in Centralized emergency control system when solving problems of

Слайд 7Principal Scheme of South-East-North transient

Principal Scheme of South-East-North transient

Слайд 8Thank you for attention

Thank you for attention

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