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Diseases of the endocrine system

If thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroxine hormone, there will be a disease called myxedema. These people have lower metabolism rate, lower body temperature, blood pressure, and etc. Human face

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Diseases of the endocrine system
You will:
- learn the diseases of

pancreas and thyroid gland.

Diseases of the endocrine systemYou will:- learn the diseases of pancreas and thyroid gland.

Слайд 2If thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroxine hormone, there

will be a disease called myxedema.
These people have lower

metabolism rate, lower body temperature, blood pressure, and etc. Human face becomes pale.

If thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroxine hormone, there will be a disease called myxedema. These

Слайд 3If thyroid gland overworks, there will be Grave’s disease.
Human eyes

become larger. Blood pressure and heart rate increase. Human becomes

anxious and gets tired fast. People with Grave’s disease eat much, but do not get weight.
To cure this disease, doctors can cut part of the thyroid gland.
If thyroid gland overworks, there will be Grave’s disease.Human eyes become larger. Blood pressure and heart rate

Слайд 4Pancreas secretes hormones insulin and glucagon.
Insulin decreases amount of

glucose in blood. If insulin does not work properly, concentration

of glucose in blood increases. This disease is called diabetes.
People with diabetes want to drink much. Also, they lose weight. Doctors give insulin for patients to cure diabetes.
Pancreas secretes hormones insulin and glucagon. Insulin decreases amount of glucose in blood. If insulin does not

Слайд 5Endocrinologist is a doctor who has specialized in the endocrine


Endocrinologist is a doctor who has specialized in the endocrine system.

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