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East Kazakhstan Technological College IWS Prepared a : Semey 2017 Fernand

Magellan is a Portuguese navigator, whose expedition made the first round-the-world voyageMagellan was born in the spring of 1480 in Portugal, in a poor but noble family, served as a page

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Слайд 1East Kazakhstan Technological College
Prepared a:
Semey 2017
Fernand Magellan

East Kazakhstan Technological CollegeIWSPrepared a:Semey 2017 Fernand Magellan

Слайд 2Magellan is a Portuguese navigator, whose expedition made the first

round-the-world voyage
Magellan was born in the spring of 1480 in

Portugal, in a poor but noble family, served as a page in the retinue of the Portuguese queen. He studied astronomy, navigation, cosmography. Participated in sea battles with Arabs, Indians, Moors, showed himself to be a brave warrior, for which he received the rank of sea captain.
Magellan is a Portuguese navigator, whose expedition made the first round-the-world voyageMagellan was born in the spring

Слайд 3The way to the "islands of spices"
Because of the intrigues

at the court of the queen, Magellan moved to Spain,

where he offered King Charles I a round-the-world voyage. The expedition was undertaken with the aim of finding a western route to the rich "colonial goods" of the Moluccas Islands.
The way to the

Слайд 4September 20, 1519, 5 small ships - Trinidad, San Antonio,

Santiago, Concepcion and Victoria, with a crew of 265 people,

went to sea. Crossed the Atlantic Ocean and on October 21 entered a narrow, winding strait, later named after Magellan, and circled America from the south, found themselves in an unknown ocean.
September 20, 1519, 5 small ships - Trinidad, San Antonio, Santiago, Concepcion and Victoria, with a crew

Слайд 5Expedition in transit
The weather, fortunately, remained good, and Magellan called

the ocean Quiet. Almost 4 months went on a very

difficult voyage, when people ate dry dust mixed with worms, drank rotten water, ate cowhide leather, sawdust and ship rats. Hunger and scurvy began. Many died. Magellan, although he was of short stature, but had great physical strength and self-confidence.
Expedition in transitThe weather, fortunately, remained good, and Magellan called the ocean Quiet. Almost 4 months went

Слайд 6The death of Magellan
On March 15, 1521, the expedition approached

the great Philippine archipelago, where the resolute and brave Magellan,

in the role of patron of the natives baptized by him, intervened in internecine war and was killed in a skirmish near Mactan Island.
The death of MagellanOn March 15, 1521, the expedition approached the great Philippine archipelago, where the resolute

Слайд 7Return of the ship "Victoria"
On September 6, 1522, 18 of

the 265 sailors participating in the first ever round-the-world expedition

of the great Portuguese navigator Fernand Magellan on the Victoria Caravel after 18 months of voyage returned to Spain. Magellan proved the existence of a single World Ocean and presented practical evidence of the sphericity of the Earth.
Return of the ship

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