Кадочников Денис
Школа №4 6 «А» классCompiled by: Almukhametov Maxim
Kadochnikov Denis
School number 4 6 "A" class
Compiled by: Almukhametov Maxim
Kadochnikov Denis
School number 4 6 "A" class
The purpose: of the study is to find out who the turtles are.
Objectives of the study:
To study information about turtles;
Find out what kinds of turtles exist on Earth;
How to keep a turtle at home;
Interesting about turtles.
Нам кажется что черепах на свете много?
Turtles are the oldest group among the reptiles.
More than 210 species of turtles live on the globe, in our country - 7 species.
The tortoise shell consists of two halves. The back is called carp, abdominal - plastron. On the sides, the two halves either grow together or are movably connected, and in front and behind between them there is space for the head, limbs and tail. The shields of the shell constantly grow, forming concentric rings, along which it is possible to calculate the age of the animal (as per the annual layers on the wood of the tree)
Turtles go to the sand and, using their hind legs, dig a hole, then lay eggs there. The cubs hatching on the day are selected from the pit and, guided by the moon, head to the sea. Delinquents are destroyed by hot sun rays or are a food for birds.
Marsh or river turtles inhabit stagnant and slowly flowing waters, especially in the lower reaches of the Dnieper, the Don, the Volga, and the Urals. In adult turtles the length of the shell reaches 25 cm. They can survive for years, the maximum duration of their life is up to 120 years.
The Far Eastern tortoise is the largest species of turtles on the territory of Russia. The maximum length of the carapace is about 40 cm (weight up to 4.5 kg). On the territory of Russia it is found only in the south of the Russian Far East in the basin of the Amur and Ussuri rivers.
Central Asian tortoise of medium size, reaching usually see. Individual specimens (females) can grow up to 30 cm. Shell is relatively tall, greyish-yellowish. On the front paws 4 fingers. The Central Asian turtle is widespread in the south of Kazakhstan, in the Central Asian countries - Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan.
The green turtle lives in the ocean, feeds exclusively on the sea grass. It reaches 1.5 m in length and 400 kg in weight. A person is engaged in hunting for a tortoise for culinary purposes and these animals are rare. The females of the green turtles once or twice a year or two lay a hole of 70 to 200 eggs in a leather shell dug in the sand by the rear fins, then carefully and densely compact the sand over the fovea.
The females of the Indian star turtle grow only to 22-28 cm, and the males - up to 15-18 cm. The name of the turtles is due to a yellow original pattern in the form of a star having from 5 to 8 beams. Coloring perfectly camouflages the animal in natural conditions, when the turtles are hiding in dry grass.
You can not:
Feed turtles meat, cottage cheese, bread, dairy products, dog food and cats.
Keep turtles on the floor.
To allow contact with other animals.
Buy turtles in pet stores without documents, with hands or at zoo markets.
How to care for a turtle
Feed the turtles with a variety of plant foods;
Feed water turtles with raw fish and seafood;
In case of illness, lead the turtle to the veterinarian;
Contain a turtle in a terrarium or aquaterrarium with heating and ultraviolet lamp.
Знаете ли вы?
1. Черепахи живут на земле уже более 200 миллионов лет. Они появились до млекопитающих, птиц, крокодилов, змей и даже ящериц.
2. Самые ранние черепахи имели зубы и не могли прятать голову в панцирь.
3. Большинство черепах не любит холода, но есть один вид, а именно черепаха Бладинга, которая плавает подо льдом, в районе Великих озёр (США, Канада)
4. У черепах хорошее зрение, превосходное обоняние, слух и осязание, к тому же их панцирь содержит нервные окончания.
Turtles are amazing reptiles. They have been living on earth for more than 200 million years. Since there are many species of turtles, they also live in the steppes, forest-steppes, forests, ponds, lakes, rivers, seas and even mountains. Turtles can be kept at home.
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