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Excursion to the sights of Sterlitamak. Museum. Gallery

A tour guide is a specialist in conducting excursions. Related professions: guide, historian, cultural critic, Museum worker, ethnographer. A specialist in this field should have a good knowledge of history, culture

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Excursion to the sights of Sterlitamak. Museum. Gallery.

Excursion to the sights of Sterlitamak. Museum. Gallery.

Слайд 2A tour guide is a specialist in conducting excursions. Related

professions: guide, historian, cultural critic, Museum worker, ethnographer. A specialist

in this field should have a good knowledge of history, culture and geography.
A tour guide is a specialist in conducting excursions. Related professions: guide, historian, cultural critic, Museum worker,

Слайд 3There are many different museums. A Museum is a place

where collections of objects that are either found in nature

or made by man are collected and displayed. Today we will embark on a tour of these museums in our city as: the Museum of stone named after Ivan Squina and Local history Museum.
There are many different museums. A Museum is a place where collections of objects that are either

Слайд 4Restorer - specialist in preserving and restoring items of historical

and cultural heritage

Restorer - specialist in preserving and restoring items of historical and cultural heritage

Слайд 5Museum of stone named after Ivan Squina
The Museum houses

a collection that shows all the diversity of the reef

formed in the Permian period in the Paleouralian ocean. Visitors have a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the exhibits of the collection of remains of ancient organisms and rocks collected by the district geologist of the Shakhtau quarry Ivan Skuin in 1985-2013.
Let's take a look at some of the Museum's exhibits
Museum of stone named after Ivan Squina The Museum houses a collection that shows all the diversity

Слайд 6Paleoplain - Палеоаплезины

Paleoplain - Палеоаплезины

Слайд 7Cephalopods - Цефалоподы

Cephalopods - Цефалоподы

Слайд 8Related minerals - Сопутствующие минералы

Related minerals - Сопутствующие минералы

Слайд 9Mollusca - Моллюски

Mollusca - Моллюски

Слайд 10Local history Museum
The location of the Museum is a building

built in the early 20th century. Previously, there was a

merchant Siberian Bank.The Museum's collections contain items of archeology, everyday life and applied art, rare books, minerals and numismatic collections, materials related to the pre-revolutionary history of Sterlitamak in the Soviet era, the Civil and Patriotic wars. Periodically, you can view exhibitions of local artists.
Local history MuseumThe location of the Museum is a building built in the early 20th century. Previously,

Слайд 16An painter is a person who is engaged in visual

art. In a broader sense, he is an painter.

An painter is a person who is engaged in visual art. In a broader sense, he is

Слайд 17Sterlitamak art gallery Nesterov's name
The art gallery opened in Sterlitamak

in 1999. There are objects of modern fine art on

Sterlitamak art gallery Nesterov's nameThe art gallery opened in Sterlitamak in 1999. There are objects of modern

Слайд 25Let's answer the questions:
Did you enjoy the tour?
What was

more interesting for you than a Museum or an art

Why are museums and art galleries attractions?
Do you think it is necessary to visit such places?
Let's answer the questions:Did you enjoy the tour? What was more interesting for you than a Museum

Слайд 26Thanks for your attention!

Thanks for your attention!

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