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Financial Law of Kazakhstan Introduction #2

Key objectivesUnderstanding the functioning of any Economy Understanding the role of financial sector and financial market in the economy

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Слайд 1Financial Law of Kazakhstan Introduction #2
Yekaterina Kartseva, School of Law

Financial Law of Kazakhstan Introduction #2Yekaterina Kartseva, School of Law

Слайд 2Key objectives
Understanding the functioning of any Economy

Understanding the role

of financial sector and financial market in the economy

Key objectivesUnderstanding the functioning of any Economy Understanding the role of financial sector and financial market in

Слайд 3Plan
Private Sector

Public Sector

Foreign Sector

Financial Sector

Financial Market

PlanPrivate SectorPublic SectorForeign Sector Financial SectorFinancial Market

Слайд 4The Private Sector
Players of Private Sector:
Households sell

their labor and entrepreneurship to the firms in exchange for

wages and profits (Factor Payments)

Firms employ land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship (Factors of Production) in order to provide goods and services
The Private SectorPlayers of Private Sector: Households FirmsHouseholds sell their labor and entrepreneurship to the firms in

Слайд 5The Public Sector
The public sector refers to all levels of government

Government provides

public goods & services such as national defense, police, fire

protection, schools, libraries, and roads.

Public sector purchases some of the factors of production from households and some goods and services from firms.

Government income is taxes levied from individuals and firms

The Public SectorThe public sector refers to all levels of governmentGovernment provides public goods & services such as national

Слайд 6The Foreign Sector
The economy does not exist in isolation. The foreign

sector refers to the rest of the world.
Some of the domestically

produced goods and services are exported to other countries. At the same time country imports goods and services from the rest of the world.

Factors of Production (labor, land, capital) are also traded between countries in exchange for foreign factor payments (if imported) and in exchange for foreign income (if exported).

The Foreign SectorThe economy does not exist in isolation. The foreign sector refers to the rest of the world.Some

Слайд 7The Financial Sector
The transactions in the product market either involve

the use of debit cards, credit cards, cash drawn from

ATMs, or in the case of exports and imports, foreign exchange.

In the factor market, the story is the same, most citizens receive income not in cash but on debit cards.

The financial sector, or intermediaries like banks and stock exchanges, help to facilitate all of the above mentioned transactions.

The Financial SectorThe transactions in the product market either involve the use of debit cards, credit cards,

Слайд 8The Financial Market
Private, public, and foreign sectors don't only spend

money — they also save.
Savings flow to financial intermediaries and

from there to all sectors of the economy.
When households save, they may buy shares of stock, bonds, or certificates of deposit. Government finances its spending in excess of taxes by issuing the various treasury securities.
Central bank that links government to the financial intermediaries acts like a heart that pumps money into the economy's circulatory system. 
The Financial MarketPrivate, public, and foreign sectors don't only spend money — they also save.Savings flow to

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