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Celtic Houses

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Слайд 1Futhark


Слайд 5Celtic Houses

Celtic Houses

Слайд 6Celtic Languages
Language Area

Welsh (Cymric) Wales

still spoken
Cornish Cornwall extinct
Scots Gaelic Scotland still spoken
Manx Isle of Man still spoken
Irish Gaelic Ireland still spoken

Celtic Languages Language      Area       Status Welsh

Слайд 7Saxon House

Saxon House

Слайд 8Old English Dialects

Old English Dialects

Слайд 9Or: ... more than just an old box
The Runic

Casket is made of whale bone (not of walrus tusk!).

As for the size of the plates, parts of the jaw have been used. The measurements of the panels:
Front and Back ~ 23 cm x 10.5 cm
the Sides ~ 19 cm x 10.5 cm
the Lid (remaining portion) ~ 22,5 cm x 8.5 cm

Franks Casket

Or: ... more than just an old box The Runic Casket is made of whale bone (not

Слайд 10Feoh byth frofur fira gehwylcum or: money makes the world

go round
Front Side

Feoh byth frofur fira gehwylcum  or: money makes the world go roundFront Side

Слайд 11Rad byth on recyde ... Or: On the road again

Left Side (a ride) seems easy to every warrior while

he is at home,
and very courageous to him who traverses
the highroads on the back of a stout horse.
(Ags. Runic Poem)
Rad byth on recyde ...  Or: On the road again ...Left Side (a ride) seems easy

Слайд 12Tyr bith tacna sum, healdeth trywa wel with aethelingas Or:

the winner takes it all
Back Side
Having procured his client divine

assistance at travel and war, the rune master now wants to provide victory, by which he gains dom, dignity, and along with it weorþ, a hero's highest goal in life, i.e.power and glory.
Tyr bith tacna sum, healdeth trywa wel with aethelingas  Or: the winner takes it allBack SideHaving

Слайд 13Haegl byth the hwitust corna Or: How to die a

heroic death
Right Side
Erilaz has come up with emblematic pictures and

luck procuring inscriptions on three panels in order to procure wyrd, his client's destiny from birth to the peak of his earthly life. But this life is just one part of heroic existence.
Haegl byth the hwitust corna  Or: How to die a heroic deathRight SideErilaz has come up

Слайд 14Of Valhalla and the Final Battle Or: Even gods can

fight in vain ...
The Lid
The rune master has provided a

perfect life from birth to death. But his assistance reaches beyond that border. The valkyrie has taken her human companion to Walhalla so that he has his seat among Woden's warriors. There he is preparing himself for the final battle (O.N. Ragnarök), a fight against the Frost Giant on the side of the gods, the aesir. And that is what this panel is about.
Of Valhalla and the Final Battle  Or: Even gods can fight in vain ...The LidThe rune

Слайд 15The Ruthwell Cross

The Ruthwell Cross

Слайд 16Detail showing the intricate Celtic influenced carving

Detail showing the intricate Celtic influenced carving

Слайд 17The impressive eighteen feet high cross continues for two metres

behind the altar and below the floor level.

The impressive eighteen feet high cross continues for two metres behind the altar and below the floor

Слайд 18Taken by Ron Waller, August 2006 in Ruthwell, Dumfriesshire. The

figure of Christ dominates the front of the cross and

He is dressed in the traditional post resurrection manner; the figure prone before Him is possibly Mary Magdalen.
Taken by Ron Waller, August 2006 in Ruthwell, Dumfriesshire. The figure of Christ dominates the front of

Слайд 19Anglo-Saxon Charters

Anglo-Saxon Charters

Слайд 20Bede's Death Song in OE

Bede's Death Song in OE

Слайд 21Bede's Death Song in ModE
Before the

journey that awaits us all,

No man

becomes so wise that he has not

Need to think out, before his going hence,

What judgment will be given to his soul

After his death, of evil or of good.
Bede's Death Song in ModE     Before the journey that awaits us all,

Слайд 22The First Page of “Beowulf”

The First Page of “Beowulf”

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