Разделы презентаций

Future Tenses


The topicsThe Future Indefinite TenseThe Future Continuous TenseThe Future Perfect TensePractice

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Future Tenses
Романченко Ольга Олеговна
учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ

№ 504
с углублённым изучением английского языка Кировского района г.

Future TensesВыполнила Романченко Ольга Олеговна учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ № 504 с углублённым изучением английского языка

Слайд 2The topics
The Future Indefinite Tense
The Future Continuous Tense
The Future Perfect


The topicsThe Future Indefinite TenseThe Future Continuous TenseThe Future Perfect TensePractice

Слайд 3Match the words with their meanings
next week
next month
next year
next April

two days
через два дня
в следующем году
в следующем апреле
на следующей неделе

следующем месяце
Match the words with their meaningstomorrownext weeknext monthnext yearnext Aprilin two daysчерез два дняв следующем годузавтрав следующем

Слайд 4I
play …
go to …
visit …
buy …
read …
eat …
drink …

IWeYouTheyHeSheItplay …go to …visit …buy …read …eat …drink …will

Слайд 5I
play …
go to …
visit …
buy …
read …
eat …
drink …
will not

not= won’t

IWeYouTheyHeSheItplay …go to …visit …buy …read …eat …drink …will notwill not= won’t

Слайд 6I
play …
go to …
visit …
buy …
read …
eat …
drink …

IWeYouTheyHeSheItplay …go to …visit …buy …read …eat …drink …will

Слайд 7 В основном future continuous применяется в том случае, когда мы

говорим о действии, которое начнется в будущем в определенный момент

времени и будет продолжаться какое-то время.
at noon
at 7 o’clock
at that moment

В основном future continuous применяется в том случае, когда мы говорим о действии, которое начнется в будущем

Слайд 8Study the examples
This time next week I’ll be on holiday.

I‘ll be lying on the beach or swimming in the


Don’t phone between 4 and 5. We‘ll be eating.

When my mother comes I will be doing my homework for tomorrow.

Study the examplesThis time next week I’ll be on holiday.	 I‘ll be lying on the beach or

Слайд 9Complete the sentences:
I will be learning …
He will be doing …
She will be

speaking …
It will be playing …
We will be discussing …
They will be running

You will be travelling …
Complete the sentences:									I				will be learning …He				will be doing …She			will be speaking …It				will be playing …We			will be discussing

Слайд 10Future perfect употребляется в той ситуации, когда какое-либо действие будет

завершено в будущем к определенному моменту времени. Практически всегда указывается

момент времени.
by noon
by 7 o’clock
by the time …

Future perfect употребляется в той ситуации, когда какое-либо действие будет завершено в будущем к определенному моменту времени.

Слайд 11Study the examples
Sally always leaves for work at 8.30 in

the morning. She won’t be at home at 9 o’clock

– she’ll have gone to work.

We’re late. The film will have already started by the time we get to the cinema.

I don’t think I’ll have finished these exercises by 3 o’clock.

Study the examplesSally always leaves for work at 8.30 in the morning. She won’t be at home

Слайд 12Let’s Have Some Practice!

Let’s Have Some Practice!

Слайд 13Next Sunday
They will exercise next Sunday.

Next SundayThey will exercise next Sunday.

Слайд 14After classes
The friends will visit a library after classes.

After classesThe friends will visit a library after classes.

Слайд 15The whole day tomorrow
The man will be doing the

cleaning the whole day tomorrow.

The whole day tomorrow The man will be doing the cleaning the whole day tomorrow.

Слайд 16At 6 o’clock tomorrow
The man will be reading a newspaper

at 6 o’clock tomorrow.

At 6 o’clock tomorrow	The man will be reading a newspaper at 6 o’clock tomorrow.

Слайд 17When the football match stops
The men will be celebrating the

victory when the football match ends.

When the football match stops	The men will be celebrating the victory when the football match ends.

Слайд 18By 12 o’clock tomorrow
The boy will have eaten the cake

by 12 o’clock tomorrow.

By 12 o’clock tomorrow	The boy will have eaten the cake by 12 o’clock tomorrow.

Слайд 19When it starts raining
She will be talking over the phone

when it starts raining.

When it starts rainingShe will be talking over the phone when it starts raining.

Слайд 20At 11 o’clock next Sunday
The women will be singing carols

at 11 o’clock next Sunday.

At 11 o’clock next Sunday	The women will be singing carols at 11 o’clock next Sunday.

Слайд 21By the end of the race
The runner will have won

the 1st prize by the end of the race.

By the end of the race	The runner will have won the 1st prize by the end of

Слайд 22When the working day starts
The man will be running when

the working day starts.

When the working day starts	The man will be running when the working day starts.

Слайд 23What will you do tomorrow?

What will you do tomorrow?

Слайд 24What will you be doing at 6 o’clock tomorrow?

What will you be doing at 6 o’clock tomorrow?

Слайд 25What will you have done by the end of the


What will you have done by the end of the week?

Слайд 26Thank you for working together!!!!

Thank you for working together!!!!

Слайд 27Home task
Write 2 sentences in the Future Indefinite Tense;
Write 2

sentences in the Future Continuous Tense;
Write 2 sentences in the

Future Perfect Tense;

Home taskWrite 2 sentences in the Future Indefinite Tense;Write 2 sentences in the Future Continuous Tense;Write 2

Слайд 28Источники
УМК по английскому языку О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой

для VII класса
Аудиокурс на CD (MP3)

ИсточникиУМК по английскому языку О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой для VII классаАудиокурс на CD (MP3)http://www.prosv/umk/vereshchagina/


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