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Genre is a French word meaning kind or groupIt is pronounced jon-ra

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Genre


Слайд 2
Genre is a French word meaning kind or group

It is

pronounced jon-ra

Genre is a French word meaning kind or groupIt is pronounced jon-ra

Слайд 3The word genre refers to:

a category of
Musical or

composition characterized by a particular style, form, or content.

The word genre refers to:a category of Artistic Musical orLiterary composition characterized by a particular style, form,

Слайд 6Main Genre Groups



Main Genre GroupsFictionNonfictionPoetry

Слайд 7Fiction
Story based on the imagination of the author

Written to entertain

the reader

Characterized by a setting, characters, dialogue (talking), problem/conflict, climax

and solution

FictionStory based on the imagination of the authorWritten to entertain the readerCharacterized by a setting, characters, dialogue

Слайд 8Fiction Subgroups
Crime Fiction
Science Fiction
Historical Fiction
Realistic Fiction
Traditional Literature

Fiction SubgroupsFantasyRomanceAdventureCrime FictionHorrorScience FictionMysteryHistorical FictionRealistic FictionTraditional Literature

Слайд 9How do we classify literature into each genre?

How do we classify literature into each genre?

A particular genre includes certain basic ingredients which we call


CONVENTIONSA particular genre includes certain basic ingredients which we call conventions


Texts often fit into multiple genres

Can you think of an

example of a novel which combines Science Fiction, Romance, Adventure

and Horror

CONVENTIONSTexts often fit into multiple genresCan you think of an example of a novel which combines Science

Слайд 12Mystery
Suspenseful story about a puzzling event that is not solved

until the end of the story

MysterySuspenseful story about a puzzling event that is not solved until the end of the story

Слайд 13Historical Fiction
Fictional story that takes place in a particular time

period in the past

Often the setting is real, but the

characters are made up from the author’s imagination
Historical FictionFictional story that takes place in a particular time period in the pastOften the setting is

Слайд 14Traditional Literature
Stories that are passed down from one group to

another in history.

Includes folktales, legends, fables, fairytales, tall tales, and

myths from different cultures.
Traditional LiteratureStories that are passed down from one group to another in history.Includes folktales, legends, fables, fairytales,

Слайд 15Horror
Baddies, supernatural creatures like vampires, victims, believers and sceptics of

the supernatural, innocent children and young women, hero, saviour, slayers,

mad scientists clever experts.

Isolated places, dark places, cemeteries, good versus evil, revenge, courage, justice, suspense, killing.
HorrorBaddies, supernatural creatures like vampires, victims, believers and sceptics of the supernatural, innocent children and young women,

Слайд 16Realistic Fiction
Story using made-up characters that could happen in real


Realistic FictionStory using made-up characters that could happen in real life

Слайд 17Fantasy


Слайд 18Fantasy
Story including elements that are impossible such as talking animals

or magical powers. Magic users (wizards); royalty (princesses); unreal creatures

(dragons); hero/heroine
Quest to overcome obstacles
Enchanted places, castles, forests, medieval time
Good versus evil, honourable qualities, friendship
Successive volumes
FantasyStory including elements that are impossible such as talking animals or magical powers. Magic users (wizards); royalty

Слайд 19Science Fiction

Science Fiction

Слайд 20Science Fiction
A type of fantasy that uses science and technology

space, time machines, aliens, time travel
Conflict with invaders
A quest to

overcome obstacles
Set in the future (advanced or regressive)
Good versus evil
Friendship, honourable qualities, human potential, ethics
Science FictionA type of fantasy that uses science and technologyRobots, space, time machines, aliens, time travelConflict with

Слайд 21Romance


Слайд 22Romance
Fictional story that takes place in a particular time period

in the past
Love match, overcoming obstacles, becoming a couple, happy


RomanceFictional story that takes place in a particular time period in the pastLove match, overcoming obstacles, becoming

Слайд 23Crime Fiction

Crime Fiction

Слайд 24Crime Fiction
Fictional story that takes place in a particular time

period in the past
Often the setting is real, but the

characters are made up from the author’s imagination
Crime solved by detective involves interpretation of clues, villains, mysterious settings, danger, weapons suspense and tension
Crime FictionFictional story that takes place in a particular time period in the pastOften the setting is

Слайд 25Nonfiction
Written work based on facts

Written to inform the reader

Characterized by

providing information about topics; various text structures; providing information

NonfictionWritten work based on factsWritten to inform the readerCharacterized by providing information about topics; various text structures;

Слайд 26Nonfiction Subgroups



Nonfiction SubgroupsInformationalBiographyAutobiography

Слайд 27Informational
Texts that provide facts about a variety of topics such

as sports, animals, science, history, careers, travel, geography, space, weather,

InformationalTexts that provide facts about a variety of topics such as sports, animals, science, history, careers, travel,

Слайд 28Biography
The story of a real person’s life written by another


BiographyThe story of a real person’s life written by another person

Слайд 29Autobiography
The story of a real person’s life that is written

by that person (the author)

AutobiographyThe story of a real person’s life that is written by that person (the author)


In groups, you will be assigned one genre to

research. You are to collect images, film titles, authors, novel

covers etc. that are classified as part of your assigned genre and make An electronic collage from your findings. Then answer the following questions:
What elements need to be in a story to classify it under this genre?
Write a list that others could use as a guide to help them recognize which texts are part of this genre.
You will present your findings to the class.

GROUP TASKIn groups, you will be assigned one genre to research. You are to collect images, film

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