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Water Pollution

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Year One
Geography | Year 4 | Water | Water Pollution

| Lesson 6

Year OneGeography | Year 4 | Water | Water Pollution | Lesson 6WaterGeography

Слайд 2Water Pollution

Water Pollution

Слайд 3

Success Criteria
I understand the causes and effects of

water pollution.
I can list some of the causes of

water pollution.
I can describe the effect of water pollution on drinking water.
I can describe some of the ways water pollution affects plants and animals.
I can list some ways to reduce water pollution.
Success CriteriaAimI understand the causes and effects of water pollution. I can list some of the

Слайд 4
Where Does Our Waste Go?
Is all

water that flows out of water treatment works or into

the sea clean?

Outflow pipes are used as emergency releases from the sewerage system.

Photo courtesy of petercastleton (@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence - attribution

Watch this video to remind yourself how waste water is treated.

Where Does Our Waste Go?Is all water that flows out of water treatment

Слайд 5What Is Pollution?
Photo courtesy of USFWS Headquarters and lagohsep (@flickr.com)

- granted under creative commons licence - attribution
Pollution is anything

that is introduced into a habitat which has a harmful effect on plants and animals living there.

What sorts of things might harm plants and animals living in or near water?
What Is Pollution?Photo courtesy of USFWS Headquarters and lagohsep (@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence -

Слайд 6What Damage Can Pollution Cause?
Photo courtesy of IAEA Imagebank, jeremyg3030

and eutrophication&hypoxia (@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence -





can cause a lack of oxygen, killing animals

can be ingested by animals or trap them

can poison animals.

What Damage Can  Pollution Cause?Photo courtesy of IAEA Imagebank, jeremyg3030 and eutrophication&hypoxia (@flickr.com) - granted under

Слайд 7What Can We Do to Reduce Pollution?
Be careful about what

you throw down your sink or toilet. Don’t throw paints,

oils or other forms of litter down the drain.

Use environmentally household products, such as cleaning products and toiletries.

Taking great care not to overuse pesticides and fertilisers. This will prevent runoffs of the material into nearby water sources.

By having more plants in your garden you are preventing fertiliser, pesticides and contaminated water from running off into nearby water sources.

Don’t throw litter into rivers, lakes or oceans.

What Can We Do to  Reduce Pollution?Be careful about what you throw down your sink or

Слайд 8What Can We Do to Reduce Pollution?

What Can We Do to  Reduce Pollution?

Слайд 9What Can Governments Do to Reduce Pollution?
Marine Protection Areas and

Marine Conservation Areas.
Legislate to ensure businesses dispose of waste


View a map of where these are. Just under 25% of UK coastal waters are protected in this way.

Over 6,500 species of plants and animals are found in these areas

If a person is convicted of polluting a sea or river, they could be made to pay an unlimited fine and/or be sentenced to up to five years in prison.

How do you think that Governments should deal with the problem?

What Can Governments  Do to Reduce Pollution?Marine Protection Areas and Marine Conservation Areas. Legislate to ensure

Слайд 10

Success Criteria
I understand the causes and effects of

water pollution.
I can list some of the causes of

water pollution.
I can describe the effect of water pollution on drinking water.
I can describe some of the ways water pollution affects plants and animals.
I can list some ways to reduce water pollution.
Success CriteriaAimI understand the causes and effects of water pollution. I can list some of the

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