Разделы презентаций


Let`s practice in reading![i:] green, sheep, Halloween[ai] ride, bike, night, bright[u:] room, moon

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Let`s practice in reading!
[i:] green, sheep, Halloween
[ai] ride, bike,

night, bright
[u:] room, moon

Let`s practice in reading![i:]  green, sheep, Halloween[ai] ride, bike, night, bright[u:] room, moon

Слайд 3[˄] funny, fun, jump, run, adults, pumpkins

[æ] pantry, candle, Halloween,


Let`s practice in reading!

[˄] funny, fun, jump, run, adults, pumpkins[æ] pantry, candle, Halloween, Jack-o`-lanternsLet`s practice in reading!

Слайд 4[e] red, bed, treat, trick-or-treating, skeleton
[∂υ] no, go, ghost
[tς] cheese,

[w] witch, Halloween

[e] red, bed, treat, trick-or-treating, skeleton[∂υ] no, go, ghost[tς] cheese, witch[w] witch, Halloween

Слайд 5On the 31st of October Americans and British celebrate Halloween

Halloween! It’s Halloween!
The moon is full and bright
And we shall

see what can’t be seen
On any other night.

On the 31st of October Americans and British celebrate HalloweenIt’s Halloween! It’s Halloween!The moon is full and

Слайд 6Halloween is a popular holiday in Britain and America
Children and

adults like this holiday. It`s fun! Many families carve pumpkins

and decorate the outside of their houses
Halloween is a popular holiday in Britain and AmericaChildren and adults like this holiday. It`s fun! Many

Слайд 7Jack-o'-lanterns are out of pumpkins. Most Jack-o'-lanterns have a candle

inside. It`s scared!

Jack-o'-lanterns are out of pumpkins. Most Jack-o'-lanterns have a candle inside. It`s scared!

Слайд 8On this day children wear costumes and masks. They go


On this day children wear costumes and masks. They go trick-or-treating….

Слайд 9All believe that there are a lot of ghosts, witches,

skeletons on Halloween. Children tell stories about. Boo!

All believe that there are a lot of ghosts, witches, skeletons on Halloween. Children tell stories about.

Слайд 10Also British like to prepare interesting dishes. Look!

Also British like to prepare interesting dishes. Look!

Слайд 11Answer the questions!
Halloween is on …
the 31st of December
the 31st

of October
the 1st of November

Answer the questions!Halloween is on …the 31st of Decemberthe 31st of Octoberthe 1st of November

Слайд 12On Halloween children and adults decorate their house with ….

On Halloween children and adults decorate their house with ….applespumpkinsbananas

Слайд 13Hallowed-out pumpkins with a candle inside are …

Hallowed-out pumpkins with a candle inside are …Jack-o`-lanternsJohn-o`-lanternsBilly-o`-lanterns

Слайд 14On Halloween children like to …

On Halloween children like to …treattricktrick-or-treat

Слайд 15Children believe that on Halloween there are …
Santa Claus and

ghosts and witches
a lot of lessons

Children believe that on Halloween there are …Santa Claus and presentsghosts and witchesa lot of lessons

Слайд 16
Well done!

Well done!

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