Разделы презентаций

Healthy living

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Healthy living

Healthy living

Слайд 2What should you do
to be healthy?

What should you do to be healthy?

Слайд 3To pay attention (to)
Обращать внимание (на)

To pay attention (to)Обращать внимание (на)

Слайд 4To limit

To limitОграничивать

Слайд 5To avoid

To avoidИзбегать

Слайд 6Junk food
Нездоровая еда

Junk foodНездоровая еда

Слайд 7To ban

To banЗапрещать


Настоящее совершенное длительное время


PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSEНастоящее совершенное длительное времяHAVE/HAS BEEN + VING

Слайд 9Для того чтобы подчеркнуть ,что то или иное действие началось

в прошлом и продолжается в настоящем, в английском языке используется

Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

I have been living in Moscow for 10 years.

Mary has been playing the piano for 40 minutes.

We have been learning English for 4 years.

Я живу в Москве 10 лет.

Мэри играет на пианино 40 минут.

Мы учим английский 4 года.

Для того чтобы подчеркнуть ,что то или иное действие началось   в прошлом и продолжается в

Слайд 10Образование отрицательной формы Present Perfect CONTINUOUS Tense



I haven’t been writing my picture yet.

Я еще не дорисовал

свою картину.
Образование отрицательной формы  Present Perfect CONTINUOUS TenseHAVE/HAS + NOT + BEEN+ VINGI haven’t been writing my

Слайд 11 Образование вопросительной формы PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE







Слайд 12Помимо указателя for в подобных предложениях часто употребляется since –

с (какого-то времени), а также all (day, night, etc)
Sue has

been talking on the phone since 2 o’clock.

It has been raining since morning.

They have been working in the garden all the morning.

Сью разговаривает по телефону с 2 часов.

Дождь идет с утра.

Они работают в саду все утро.

Помимо указателя for в подобных предложениях часто   употребляется since – с (какого-то времени), а также

Слайд 13 Такие глаголы ,как to Know, to have, to be, to

want, to love не употребляются в продолженных временах, поэтому для

того чтобы описать действие, которое началось в прошлом и длится до сих пор, с этими глаголами мы употребляем Present perfect Tense.

I have already been here for 3 days.

She has known Sam all her life.

I have always wanted to visit London.

Я здесь уже 3 дня.

Она знает Сэма всю жизнь.

Мне всегда хотелось побывать в Лондоне.

Такие глаголы ,как to Know, to have, to be, to want, to love не

Слайд 14For – в течение
Since – с, с тех пор как

day (all my life,... ) – весь день ( всю

жизнь, ... )
Recently - недавно
Lately – в последнее время
For a long time - долго
For – в течениеSince – с, с тех пор какAll day (all my life,... ) – весь

Слайд 15Раскрой скобки, используя Present Perfect Progressive:
I ( to look) for

my book for an hour.
They ( to quarrel) for such

a long time.
How long they ( to practice) today?
It’s ( to rain) all day.
He ( not/to feel) well lately.
She ( to live) here since childhood.
We ( to drive) for about two hours.
Раскрой скобки, используя Present Perfect Progressive:I ( to look) for my book for an hour.They ( to

Слайд 16Исправь ошибки:
We to have been learning Spanish for six days.

have been running the company for ten years.
You’ve making good

progress in your English lately.
I’ve been have a lot of trouble with this equipment.
We has make some changes in the project.
They has been trying to settle the matter by ourselves.
Mary have to look for some exhibition grounds since last month.
Have been John using your car?
Исправь ошибки:We to have been learning Spanish for six days.Peter have been running the company for ten

Слайд 17 1. My grandfather (to work) in the

garden since he retired. 2. I

(to use) this cream since I discovered it. 3. She (to sell) fruit and vegetables for five years. 4. The factory (to produce) these trainers for two years. 5. My mum (to eat) low-calorie foods for six months. 6. My sister (to do) aerobics since last year. 7. I (not to eat) a fried meal since I began to follow a diet. 8. Mary (to use) this toothpaste for a long time. 9. His grandmother (not to smoke) since he visited his
heart doctor. 10. She (not to drink) strong tea for many years.

Раскрой скобки, используя Present Perfect Progressive:

1. My grandfather (to work) in the garden since he  retired.

Слайд 18Vera did athletics last year.
Vera has been doing athletics since

last year.
My sister used this shampoo two years ago.
He often

skipped breakfast when he was a student.
My aunt ate much chocolate in her childhood.
Nick cleaned his teeth with a new toothpaste yesterday.
I prepared for the English exam last week.
They went to the swimming pool last month.
Vera did athletics last year.Vera has been doing athletics since last year.My sister used this shampoo two

Слайд 19Translate from Russian into english

1.В Лондоне идет снег

с 8 утра.
2. Я ношу шарф уже много лет.
3. Мальчики

играют в футбол весь день.
4. Мы всегда хотели иметь дом в деревне.
5. Я здесь уже неделю.

Translate from Russian into english  1.В Лондоне идет снег с 8 утра.2. Я ношу шарф уже

Слайд 20Тренировка на уроке

Тренировка на уроке

Слайд 211. Susan ___________since January (swim).
2. He ____________good news (bring).
3. The

boy __________the newspapers for months (deliver).
4. You and I _____________

emails to our friends since noon (send).
5. We ______________for days (travel).
6. He_____________ his house for weeks (paint).
7. They ____________ the new bridge since last year (build).
8. You and Jane ______________ for five hours (dance).
9. They___________ vegetables since 2004 (sell).
10. You_____________ in this factory since 2007 (work).
11. My grandfather __________ stamps for ages (collect).
12. We __________ football for three hours (play).
1. Susan ___________since January (swim).2. He ____________good news (bring).3. The boy __________the newspapers for months (deliver).4. You

Слайд 22Put the verbs into the present perfect continuous.

1. We _____________ (learn)

English for six years.
2. Here you are!!. I______________(look) for you all

afternoon .
Where have you been?
3. Why_______________(you/laugh) at me like that? Stop it!
4. We always go to the Costa Brava for our holidays . We ________ (go) there for years;
5. ‘Can I talk to Ann ?’ ‘ no you can’t , she ‘s out, she _________(do)the shopping.
Put the verbs into the present perfect continuous.1.	We _____________ (learn) English for six years.2.	Here you are!!. I______________(look)

Слайд 23Write the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect Continuous

and complete with since or for, where necessary.

1-What you________ (do)

______ lunch?
2-I ________ (rest) _________then.
3-The Browns __________(live) here ________ the last ten years.
4-She ____________(lie) in the sun ________the whole morning.
5-I _________ (try) to get in touch with you _________seven, but your telephone has been engaged all day.
6-We_________( wait) at this bus stop ______ half an hour now.
7-Mr Brown _________ (learn) French ________ September.
8-I ________ (sit) and ___________(watch) the ducks on the pond ________hours.
9- ___________ summer began this place ___________ (swarm) with tourists.
10-She ______________ (stand) in the queue ____________ two o’clock.

Write the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect Continuous and complete with since or for, where

Слайд 2411-The Browns ______ (travel) around Portugal ______the beginning of July.

12-My cousin___________(stay) with us all this summer.
13-This book _________

(lie) around _______ ages; why haven’t you read it?
14-We __________ (listen) to that man __________twenty minutes now and he __________(talk) utter nonsense.
15. I ___________(study) French __________ I was seven.
16. Mary ____________(work) for the same company _________ 1992.
17. They _____________(read) the same book __________ weeks.
18. Susan ___________(try) to compose a symphony ________ two years.
19. They __________(build) this harbour _________last year.
20. These workers _________(live) on the dole ________quite a long time.
11-The Browns ______ (travel) around Portugal ______the beginning of July. 12-My cousin___________(stay) with us all this summer.

Слайд 25Самостоятельная работа

Самостоятельная работа

Слайд 26Complete with the correct form of the given verb.

1. You

__________this book for weeks (read).
2. We ________________ in Lisbon since

January (live).
3. They_____________ English for five years (learn).
4. I___________ English in Portugal since 1976 (teach).
5. She __________________on the phone for hours (talk).
6. I ____________for five hours (drive).
7. You_____________ for ten minutes (run).
8. They _____________emails for hours (write).
9. I __________these mountains since I was a child (climb).
10. Your mother______________ for 24 years (marry).
Complete with the correct form of the given verb.1. You __________this book for weeks (read).2. We ________________

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