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Henry Gray (1827–1861) — English anatomist and surgeon, creator of Gray's

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "Penza State University"Medical Institute Department of History Course work History of Medicine Topic:Henry Gray (1827–1861) :

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Слайд 1Henry Gray (1827–1861) — English anatomist and surgeon, creator of

Gray's Anatomy
Doctor /Gavrilova Tatiana
Name/Elsayed AbdulRAhman

Group /19lc2a

Henry Gray (1827–1861) — English anatomist and surgeon, creator of Gray's AnatomyDoctor /Gavrilova Tatiana Name/Elsayed AbdulRAhmanGroup /19lc2a

Слайд 2Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

"Penza State University"
Medical Institute
Department of History Course

work History of Medicine Topic:Henry Gray (1827–1861) : done by Student: Elsayed Abdulrahman

:Controlled by: ass. Of History Department The course paper defended with
Mark: ....................
Defense date:........................
Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Слайд 3Biography
Gray was born in Belgravia, London, in 1827[1][2] and lived

most of his life in London. In 1842, he entered

as a student at St. George’s Hospital, London (then situated in Belgravia, now moved to Tooting), and he is described by those who knew him as a most painstaking and methodical worker, and one who learned his anatomy by the slow but invaluable method of making dissections for himself.
BiographyGray was born in Belgravia, London, in 1827[1][2] and lived most of his life in London. In

Слайд 4While still a student, Gray secured the triennial prize of

Royal College of Surgeons in 1848 for an essay entitled

The Origin, Connexions and Distribution of nerves to the human eye and its appendages, illustrated by comparative dissections of the eye in other vertebrate animals. In 1852, at the early age of 25, he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, and in the following year he obtained the Astley Cooper prize of three hundred guineas for a dissertation "On the structure and Use of Spleen
While still a student, Gray secured the triennial prize of Royal College of Surgeons in 1848 for

Слайд 5In 1858, Gray published the first edition of Anatomy, which

covered 750 pages and contained 363 figures. He had the

good fortune of securing the help of his friend Henry Vandyke Carter, a skilled draughtsman and formerly a demonstrator of anatomy at St. George’s Hospital. Carter made the drawings from which the engravings were executed. The excellence of Carter’s illustrations contributed greatly to the initial success of the book

Contribution to medicine

In 1858, Gray published the first edition of Anatomy, which covered 750 pages and contained 363 figures.

Слайд 6This edition was dedicated to Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, Bart,

FRS, DCL. A second edition was prepared by Gray and

published in 1860. The book is still published under the title Gray’s Anatomy and widely appreciated as an authoritative textbook for medical students. Gray held successively the posts of demonstrator of Anatomy, curator of the museum and Lecturer of Anatomy at St. George’s Hospital and was in 1861 a candidate for the post of assistant surgeon
This edition was dedicated to Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, Bart, FRS, DCL. A second edition was prepared

Слайд 7Death
Gray was struck by an attack of confluent smallpox, the

most deadly type of the disease where individual lesions become

so numerous that they join as a continuous, "confluent" sheet. He is assumed to have been infected due to his extended and meticulous caring for his ten-year-old nephew, Charles Gray, who did eventually recover. On the day he was to appear for an interview as a final candidate for a prestigious post at the St. George’s Hospital, he died in London – 13 June 1861[3] – at the age of 34. He was buried at St James, Pancras and Highgate Cemetery.[4][5] Gray had been vaccinated against smallpox as a child with one of the early forms of the vaccine.[6
DeathGray was struck by an attack of confluent smallpox, the most deadly type of the disease where

Слайд 8The Origin, Connections, and Distribution of Nerves to the Human

Eye and its Appendages, illustrated by Comparative Dissections of the

Eye in Other Vertebrate Animals (1848) – essay On the Structure and Use of Spleen (1854) – jointly illustrated by Henry Vandyke Carter Descriptive and Surgical Anatomy 1ST Edition (August 1858) – jointly illustrated by Henry Vandyke Carter – popularly known as Gray’s Anatomy Descriptive and Surgical Anatomy 2ND Edition (December 1860) – jointly illustrated by Henry Vandyke Carter and John Gulse Westmacott – popularly known as Gray’s Anatomy
The Origin, Connections, and Distribution of Nerves to the Human Eye and its Appendages, illustrated by Comparative

Слайд 9Conclusion
Gray died of smallpox in 1861 aged 34, contracted

whilst he was caring for his ten-year old nephew, who

recovered. At the time of his death, he was preparing for his final interview for the prestigious position of assistant surgeon at St George’s
Conclusion Gray died of smallpox in 1861 aged 34, contracted whilst he was caring for his ten-year

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