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Hippies clothesHippies love everything natural. Natural materials, minimal wear, a lot of bright colors. Perhaps this style can be called the most summer and positive of all. Many real hippies have

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Слайд 1Hippies


Слайд 2Hippies clothes
Hippies love everything natural. Natural materials, minimal wear, a

lot of bright colors. Perhaps this style can be called

the most summer and positive of all. Many real hippies have not seen anything shameful and to walk naked to the waist. One of the most characteristic parts of the hippie wardrobe – flared jeans or pants.
Hippies clothesHippies love everything natural. Natural materials, minimal wear, a lot of bright colors. Perhaps this style

Слайд 3They wore very colourful, flowery, clothes. Because the history of

the formation of the subculture is closely associated with drugs

of the class of psychedelics
They wore very colourful, flowery, clothes. Because the history of the formation of the subculture is closely

Слайд 4Hippies hairs
Most hippies wore long flowing hair. Sometimes they do

a retro bouffant.

Hippies hairsMost hippies wore long flowing hair. Sometimes they do a retro bouffant.

Слайд 5Hippies accessories
The most common accessory hippie bracelets are made by

hand from various materials: beads, thread, etc. These bracelets gave

each other the hippies as a sign of friendship, love, sympathy.
Hippies accessoriesThe most common accessory hippie bracelets are made by hand from various materials: beads, thread, etc.

Слайд 6Shameful-стыдный (стыдного)
Naked to the waist-голый по пояс
wardrobe – гардероб


Shameful-стыдный (стыдного)Naked to the waist-голый по поясwardrobe – гардеробClosely-тесно Drugs-наркотикиBouffant-пышные Beads-бисер

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