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holiday type s

Package Holidays Package holidays are some of the easiest trips to go on. They are great for family vacations as they often include Flights, Accommodation and Transfers.When booking a package holiday sometimes

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Слайд 1holiday_types
By Andreeva A.A.

holiday_typesBy Andreeva A.A.

Слайд 2Package Holidays
Package holidays are some of the easiest trips to

go on. They are great for family vacations as they often

include Flights, Accommodation and Transfers.

When booking a package holiday sometimes you can get the below included:

Bed and Breakfast – This is where you’d get breakfast included as part of the package.

Half Board – Where you’d get bed, breakfast and one other meal included.

All-inclusive – Where you’d get all meals included as well as certain drinks. The drinks would often be local beer and wine plus soft drinks.

Package Holidays Package holidays are some of the easiest trips to go on. They are great for family

Слайд 3Safari
Safaris can often be taken in Africa and are a

nature-based holiday where you go into the wild, often on

a guided tour, and will see animals in their local habitat. In Africa, you may see such things as elephants, lions, zebras, giraffes and many other types of animals. A few places to consider for a safari include Tanzania and Nairobi.
Safari Safaris can often be taken in Africa and are a nature-based holiday where you go into

Слайд 4Backpacking
Backpacking trips tend to be good for people who travel

for long periods of time, often planning and booking new

destinations and experiences as they go. Backpackers would often have tight budgets so as to travel for as long as possible and will often stay in hostels and may also travel solo.
Backpacking Backpacking trips tend to be good for people who travel for long periods of time, often

Слайд 5Cruise Holidays
A cruise holiday allows you to visit lots of

destinations in one trip. The ship will often dock during

the day at different places allowing you to jump off and explore. You then jump back on in the evening to head to the next place. Cruise trips tend to be quite expensive and luxurious, although there are more affordable options nowadays.
Cruise Holidays A cruise holiday allows you to visit lots of destinations in one trip. The ship

Слайд 6City break
These kind of trips are the kind of vacation

where you visit a city for a short period of

time, such as 24-72 hours and are often taken over weekends. A City Break can provide the perfect opportunity to get away and see a new destination. City Breaks can also be taken as part of a multi-destination trip, which is where you visit more than one place while you’re away.
City break These kind of trips are the kind of vacation where you visit a city for

Слайд 7whatever the tour is - enjoy it and have a

Thank you for attention

whatever the tour is - enjoy it and have a restThank you for attention

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