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Holidays of Great Britain Выполнила: Завгородняя Н. школа №31


Contents1.Christmas Day2.Halloween3.Queen’s Official birthday4. Saint Valentine’s Day

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Слайд 1Holidays of Great Britain
Выполнила: Завгородняя Н.
школа №31 класс8"Б"

Holidays of Great BritainВыполнила: Завгородняя Н. школа №31 класс8

Слайд 2Contents
1.Christmas Day
3.Queen’s Official birthday
4. Saint Valentine’s Day

Contents1.Christmas Day2.Halloween3.Queen’s Official birthday4. Saint Valentine’s Day

Слайд 3Christmas Day
Christmas Day, December 25, is probably the most

popular holiday in Great Britain. It is a family holiday.

Traditionally all relatives and friends give each other presents. In general, people get prepared for this holiday very carefully. They decorate their houses in a traditional way. Christmas trees are set up in houses, in the streets and churches. They are always decorated with fairy lights, angels and small toys.
On the eve of Christmas children hang their stockings, so that Santa Claus could put presents into them: oranges, sweets, nuts and if the child didn't behave properly Santa Claus can put there a piece of coal as punishment.
Santa Claus got his name from a man known as St. Nicolas, who lived in the fourth century. He gave his wealth to the poor and often to children. After he died, the Dutch brought this legend to colonial America. Soon the Dutch name Sinter Klaus became Santa Claus.
Christmas Day Christmas Day, December 25, is probably the most popular holiday in Great Britain. It is

Слайд 4Halloween
The Halloween, or the eve of the Day of all

sacred, is celebrated on the last day of October. In

the evening on Halloween children and adults dress up in various suits and go to houses, demanding: «Trick or Treat? ». Owners should "pay off" from visitors, treating them with various sweets. The indispensable attribute of a holiday is considered to be Jack's Fixture - a pumpkin with the human mug cut out on it and with lit in candles. It can be exposed in windows and over doors of houses, frightening off thus evil spirit.
HalloweenThe Halloween, or the eve of the Day of all sacred, is celebrated on the last day

Слайд 5Queen's oficial birthday
On the second Saturday of June birthday of

the English monarch is officially celebrated. This day in the

residence of the British kings in Whitehall is marked with a ceremonial parade. This ceremony originates from the seventeenth century. During ceremony the queen inspects armies, and after it she arranges the big ball where all nobility of the state gathers.
Queen's oficial birthdayOn the second Saturday of June birthday of the English monarch is officially celebrated. This

Слайд 6Saint Valentine's Day
In Great Britain the Valentine's day is marked

with the big enthusiasm. As well as in other countries,

people give favourite flowers, cards, chocolate and small special presents. The composition of verses - the second invariable tradition in Great Britain. Some weeks before the holiday newspapers and magazines print verses in honor to Saint Valentine. The custom goes from old times when the most favourite romantic verses were written by poets, associated with Saint Valentine.
Saint Valentine's DayIn Great Britain the Valentine's day is marked with the big enthusiasm. As well as

Слайд 7http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?ed=1&text=%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B6%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%BE%20%D0%B2%20%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%















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