Разделы презентаций


A. She is vacuuming the carpet.B. She is washing the dishes.C. She is ironing. D. She is cooking. 1 What is she doing?

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Housework


Слайд 2A. She is vacuuming the carpet.
B. She is washing the

C. She is ironing.
D. She is cooking.
1 What

is she doing?
A. She is vacuuming the carpet.B. She is washing the dishes.C. She is ironing. D. She is

Слайд 3A. He is making the bed.
C. He is cleaning

the window.
B. He is mopping the floor.
D. He is

tidying the room.

2 What is he doing?

A. He is making the bed. C. He is cleaning the window.B. He is mopping the floor.

Слайд 4A. She is sweeping the floor.
B. She is dusting the

D. She is washing the clothes.
C. She is mopping the


3 What is she doing?

A. She is sweeping the floor.B. She is dusting the furniture.D. She is washing the clothes.C. She

Слайд 5A. She is cleaning the cooker.
C. She is watering

the plants.
B. She is cooking.
D. She is mopping the


4 What is she doing?

A. She is cleaning the cooker. C. She is watering the plants. B. She is cooking.D. She

Слайд 6A. He is laying the table.
D. He is fixing the

B. He is washing the dishes.
C. He is doing

the shopping.

5 What is he doing?

A. He is laying the table.D. He is fixing the tap.B. He is washing the dishes. C.

Слайд 7A. She is cleaning the bathroom.
B. She is making

the bed.
C. She is ironing the clothes.
D. She

is washing the clothes.

6 What is she doing?

A. She is cleaning the bathroom. B. She is making the bed. C. She is ironing the

Слайд 8A. She is doing the washing up.
C. She is doing

the shopping.
B. She is washing the clothes.
D. She is tidying

the room.

7 What is she doing?

A. She is doing the washing up.C. She is doing the shopping.B. She is washing the clothes.D.

Слайд 9A. He is washing the car.
B. He is ironing

the clothes.
D. He is doing the washing up.
C. He is

washing the clothes.

8 What is he doing?

A. He is washing the car. B. He is ironing the clothes.D. He is doing the washing

Слайд 10A. He is washing the clothes.
B. He is doing the

washing up.
D. He is washing the car.
C. He is repairing

the car.

9 What is he doing?

A. He is washing the clothes.B. He is doing the washing up.D. He is washing the car.C.

Слайд 11A. She is doing the shopping.
B. She is dusting the

D. She is doing the washing up.
C. She is cleaning

the window.

10 What is she doing?

A. She is doing the shopping.B. She is dusting the furniture.D. She is doing the washing up.C.

Слайд 12A. She is washing the clothes.
B. She is laying the

D. She is ironing the clothes.
C. She is making the


11 What is she doing?

A. She is washing the clothes.B. She is laying the table.D. She is ironing the clothes.C. She

Слайд 13A. He is feeding the dog.
B. He is walking the

D. He is mowing the lawn.
C. He is tidying his


12 What is he doing?

A. He is feeding the dog.B. He is walking the dog.D. He is mowing the lawn.C. He

Слайд 14A. He is mowing the lawn.
D. He is doing the

C. He is vacuuming the carpet.
B. He is sweeping the


13 What is he doing?

A. He is mowing the lawn.D. He is doing the shopping.C. He is vacuuming the carpet.B. He

Слайд 15A. He is hanging out the washing.
B. He is dusting

the furniture.
D. He is cleaning the window.
C. He is taking

out the rubbish.

14 What is he doing?

A. He is hanging out the washing.B. He is dusting the furniture.D. He is cleaning the window.C.

Слайд 16A. She is mopping the floor.
B. She is ironing the

D. She is laying the table.
C. She is gardening.
15 What

is she doing?
A. She is mopping the floor.B. She is ironing the clothes.D. She is laying the table.C. She

Слайд 17Key 1A 2C 3 C 4B 5A 6B 7A
8C 9D 10A 11D 12B 13A 14C 15C

Key 1A 2C 3 C 4B 5A 6B 7A8C 9D 10A 11D 12B 13A 14C 15C

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