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How can we make sounds?

Guess the sound123456789101112

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1How can we make sounds?
Key words: Vibrations, ear drum, vacuum

Have a white board ready to guess the sound…

How can we make sounds?Key words: Vibrations, ear drum, vacuumStarter: Have a white board ready to guess

Слайд 2Guess the sound

Guess the sound123456789101112

Слайд 3The big picture: “How are sounds made?”
Learning outcomes
To identify how

sounds can be made
To explain how sounds can be changed.

analyse how sounds reach our ears.

The big picture: “How are sounds made?”Learning outcomesTo identify how sounds can be madeTo explain how sounds

Слайд 4Sound investigation
Around the room there are different everyday objects to

make a sound with.

ALL: Find out how the sound

is made.
Most: Find out how the sound can be made louder/ quieter.
Some: Find out how the sound can be made higher/ lower pitched.

Fill in your table as you go.

To identify how sounds can be made
To explain how sounds can be changed.

Sound investigationAround the room there are different everyday objects to make a sound with. ALL: Find out

Слайд 6The guitar string makes the air particles
Vibrate and move

towards the ear.

The guitar string makes the air particles Vibrate and move towards the ear.

Слайд 7Air particles bump into air particles inside the ear
and these

particles vibrate.

Air particles bump into air particles inside the earand these particles vibrate.

Слайд 8The vibrating air makes the ear drum vibrate
and we hear

the sound.

The vibrating air makes the ear drum vibrateand we hear the sound.

Слайд 9Fill in the gaps task
Fill in the gaps on how

sound travels to our ears.

Extra challenge: Why can the sound

of this alarm clock not be heard by the end of the video? Answer in your books.


Fill in the gaps taskFill in the gaps on how sound travels to our ears.Extra challenge: Why

Слайд 10Fill in the gaps task
Any sound is caused by something

_________ . The vibrating object causes the ___ _________ next

to it to vibrate; those air particles then cause the particles next to them to vibrate.

In this way, a disturbance of the air moves out from the source of the ______ . Sound travels through the air as a sound _____ , and may eventually reach the _________ of a listener.

When we hear a sound, air vibrates against the ___ ____ causing it to vibrate also. The vibrations are passed on by 3 small _____ to the cochlea. Here in the cochlea, the vibrations are changed into _________ messages. These messages travel along a nerve to the _____ .

Fill in the gaps taskAny sound is caused by something _________ . The vibrating object causes the

Слайд 11Self-assessment
Any sound is caused by something vibrating. The vibrating object

causes the air particles next to it to vibrate; those

air particles then cause the particles next to them to vibrate.

In this way, a disturbance of the air moves out from the source of the sound. Sound travels through the air as a sound wave, and may eventually reach the ear of a listener.

When we hear a sound, air vibrates against the ear drum causing it to vibrate also. The vibrations are passed on by 3 small bones to the cochlea. Here in the cochlea, the vibrations are changed into electrical messages. These messages travel along a nerve to the brain .

Self-assessmentAny sound is caused by something vibrating. The vibrating object causes the air particles next to it

Слайд 123 things I already knew but now understand better
2 new

things I have learnt today
1 thing I
need to find


Set your self a short term goal to try and find out about your one thing you need to find out after this lesson.

3 things I already knew but now understand better2 new things I have learnt today1 thing I

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