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How to Identify a Shopaholic?

Causes shopogolizm:• lack of attention;• loneliness;• depression of the breakup;• low level of self-regulation.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 How to Identify a Shopaholic?

How to Identify a Shopaholic?

Слайд 2
Causes shopogolizm:
• lack of attention;
• loneliness;
• depression of the breakup;

low level of self-regulation.

Causes shopogolizm:• lack of attention;• loneliness;• depression of the breakup;• low level of self-regulation.

Слайд 3The thirst for adrenaline: And in terms of shopogolizm adrenaline

going on in the moment of decision: to buy a

thing or not.
The illusion of power: After all, in the shops you can buy not only things, but also attitude. Flattering sellers attitude, respect and all the attentions from the store.
Fraudulent sense of freedom and control over the situation: Neglect of councils and the real need to buy leads to the fact that the number of unnecessary things outweighs the number of really good.

The thirst for adrenaline: And in terms of shopogolizm adrenaline going on in the moment of decision:

Слайд 4

Symptoms shopogolizm
• If you walk often visit stores without a specific purpose, it is an occasion to reflect. Especially if it happens on a regular basis.
• There are also food for thought if you came to the store, look around most or almost all the products for sale.
• No matter how sad sounds, but the craze fashion magazines also belong to the symptoms of the disease.
• The desire to buy something for no apparent reason.
• If you love to discuss what, where and when to buy - think about it, since it is also a symptom, but only if you do it on a regular basis.
• If you feel the indifference and lethargy due to the fact that for a long time did not visit shopping centers, it is no longer a reason to think, but the real reason to sound the alarm and to seek a solution to get rid of dependence.

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