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Human Excretory System (HES)

ExcretionExcretion rids (избавляет) the body of metabolic wastes, which come from the breakdown of substances (nutrients)

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Human Excretory System (HES)

Human Excretory System (HES)

Слайд 2Excretion
Excretion rids (избавляет) the body of metabolic wastes, which come

from the breakdown of substances (nutrients)

ExcretionExcretion rids (избавляет) the body of metabolic wastes, which come from the breakdown of substances (nutrients)

Слайд 3Excretory Substances
Water and Carbon dioxide (H2O, CO2)
Ammonia (NH3) – highly

Urea (мочевина) - HUMANS
Uric acid (мочевая кислота)

Excretory SubstancesWater and Carbon dioxide (H2O, CO2)Ammonia (NH3) – highly toxicUrea (мочевина) - HUMANSUric acid (мочевая кислота)

Слайд 4The Human Excretory System
The human excretory system is composed of

- ureter (urinary tract)
- urinary bladder
- urethra

The Human Excretory SystemThe human excretory system is composed of- kidneys- ureter (urinary tract) - urinary bladder

Слайд 5Kidney
Situated in the lower thoracic region of the back
It is

protected by a thick layer of fat
The upper region of

each kidney is covered by an adrenal gland
KidneySituated in the lower thoracic region of the backIt is protected by a thick layer of fatThe

Слайд 6Structure of the kidney
It is composed of three main parts:

Renal Cortex: It is red in color and contains the

Malpighian bodies
Structure of the kidneyIt is composed of three main parts:- Renal Cortex: It is red in color

Слайд 7Structure of the kidney
Renal Medulla: It is located directly beneath

the cortex
Urinary tracts which drain from the cortex form pyramids

in this region
There are approximately 8-10 laterally arranged Malpighian pyramids
Structure of the kidneyRenal Medulla: It is located directly beneath the cortexUrinary tracts which drain from the

Слайд 8Structure of the kidney
Renal Pelvis: Its function is the collection

of urine from the Malpighian pyramids
The pelvis transmits the accumulated

urine to the ureter
Structure of the kidneyRenal Pelvis: Its function is the collection of urine from the Malpighian pyramidsThe pelvis

Слайд 9Nephron
Units of kidneys
Nephrons filter 180 liters of fluid and form

1.5 liters of urine (моча) per day
A nephron consists of

three units:
- Glomerulus
- Bowmann's capsule
- Urinary tract
NephronUnits of kidneysNephrons filter 180 liters of fluid and form 1.5 liters of urine (моча) per dayA

Слайд 10Nephron
It begins with a glomerulus
Glomerulus is surrounded by a

Bowman’s capsule
Each glomerulus is formed by capillaries from a branch

of renal arteriole
NephronIt begins with a glomerulus Glomerulus is surrounded by a Bowman’s capsuleEach glomerulus is formed by capillaries

Слайд 11Nephron
The complex of Bowman’s capsule and gomerulus is called Malpighian

Bowman’s capsule is connected with long tubule that is called

Loop of Henle
Loop of Henle is joined with collecting duct
NephronThe complex of Bowman’s capsule and gomerulus is called Malpighian bodyBowman’s capsule is connected with long tubule

Слайд 12There are 3 steps during urine formation:
1 – Filtration

– Reаbsorption
3 – Secretion

Urine formation

There are 3 steps during urine formation:1 – Filtration 2 – Reаbsorption3 – Secretion Urine formation

Слайд 13During filtration, substances pass from the blood into the Bowman’s

Under pressure, water and many small molecules such as salts,

urea, glucose and aminoacids pass from glomerulus into Bowman’s capsule


During filtration, substances pass from the blood into the Bowman’s capsuleUnder pressure, water and many small molecules

Слайд 14The absorption of needed materials such as glucose, aminoacids and

water from nephrons to blood capillaries is called reabsorption

The absorption of needed materials such as glucose, aminoacids and water from nephrons to blood capillaries is

Слайд 15Secretion
The cells of distal tubule excrete molecules such as penicillin,

ammonia, potassium and excess acids
After secretion, the fluid remaining

in the nephrons is called urine
Urine contains urea, uric acid, Na, K, Ca, Cl, P, water and small amount of blood cells
SecretionThe cells of distal tubule excrete molecules such as penicillin, ammonia, potassium and excess acids After secretion,

Слайд 16Excretion
Urine flows from the tubules into the collecting ducts and

it is stored in pelvis
Then urine is transported into the

urinary bladder by the ureter of each kidney
And then it is expelled through the urethra
ExcretionUrine flows from the tubules into the collecting ducts and it is stored in pelvisThen urine is

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