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English language in my life

The aim of my project shows that the English language is an important part of modern life

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1English language in my life

English language in my life

Слайд 2 The aim of my project shows that the

English language is an important part of modern life

The aim of my project shows that the English language is an important part of

Слайд 3Plan
1)The purpose - to show the importance of learning foreign

2)The hypothesis : If foreign languages had not been so

important in our life, we wouldn’t pay so much attention to it.
3)The problem question : Is it necessary to study foreign languages?
4)A conclusion.
Plan1)The purpose - to show the importance of learning foreign languages.2)The hypothesis : If foreign languages had

Слайд 4 1. Our purpose: to show the importance

of learning foreign languages for other students.

1. Our purpose: to show the importance of learning foreign languages for other students.

Слайд 5 2.The hypothesis -If foreign languages had not

been so important in our life, we wouldn’t pay so

much attention to it.1) Learning a second language is beneficial for all. Learning to speak foreign languages may be the best thing you can do to improve your life and open new doors.

2.The hypothesis -If foreign languages had not been so important in our life, we

Слайд 6 2)Nowadays a lot of Russian people listen to

the foreign music. Believe, music is much better if you

can understand the words.

2)Nowadays a lot of Russian people listen to the foreign music. Believe, music is much

Слайд 73) Many celebrities from all over the world come to

our country and if you know foreign languages you will

be able to communicate with the m.4) It is also more easily to travel.Communicate with people wherever you go.

3) Many celebrities from all over the world come to our country and if you know foreign

Слайд 8 3.The problem question : Is it necessary

to study foreign languages?In our future life, foreign languages will

be useful for us.We think that without them it is impossible to exist.
3.The problem question : Is it necessary to study foreign languages?In our future life,

Слайд 94.A conclusion.
Study foreign languages and you will not


4.A conclusion.   Study foreign languages and you will not regret!

Слайд 10Thanks for your attention

Thanks for your attention

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